Tucker Carlson

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Tucker Carlson

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed May 03, 2023 2:30 am

Tucker Carlson is a conservative media personality who recently lost his show at FOX.

This was Tucker's speech to the Heritage Foundation on Friday, April 21st, 2023. Tucker had lost his show by the following Monday. As far as I know, I don't think this speech was directly related to the loss of his show.


I thought this part of his speech was particularly important regarding the nature of people:

Tucker Carlson wrote: ... you look around, and you see so many people break under the strain, under the downward pressure of whatever this is that we’re going through.

And you look with disdain and sadness as you see people you know become quislings, you see them revealed as cowards, you see them going along with a new, new thing, which is clearly a poisonous thing, a silly thing, saying things they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs.

If there’s a single person in this room who hasn’t seen that through George Floyd and COVID and the Ukraine War, raise your hand. Oh, nobody? Right. You all know what I’m talking about.

And you’re so disappointed in people. You are. And you realize that the herd instinct is maybe the strongest instinct. I mean, it may be stronger than the hunger and sex instincts, actually. The instinct, which again, is inherent to be like everybody else and not to be cast out of the group, not to be shunned.

That’s a very strong impulse in all of us from birth. And it takes over, unfortunately, in moments like this, and it’s harnessed, in fact, by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity. And you see people going along with this, and you lose respect for them. And that’s certainly happened to me at scale over the past three years.

I agree with Tucker 100% about the herd instinct in humans. I've seen it in hang gliding and in nearly every other aspect of life. The herd instinct is so common and so powerful, that it gives me an even greater appreciation for those who can resist it. Thanks.

I suspect Tucker will land on his feet, and he may become a bigger influence than if he'd kept his show. Time will tell.
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