billcummings wrote: Last night I was ready to pound this laptop through the patio slab with my sludge hammer.
I've got an 8# Wilton with carbon rods in the handle that would make quick work of that job.
Got any TV's?
I'm still debating with myself whether I open the new laptop or return it for cash and put that on the mortgage principal.
Good idea. Life is sweeter with a paid off mortgage. Then all you have to worry about is being taxed back out into the street.
Or having a business reject now ICLEI codes inspector force you into the street with grass too tall tickets.
Or well meaning greenys forcing you off of your land to save the endangered split tail spider frog.
It's such a warm feeling to know about the most worthy thing you've bought, a home, and paid off through years of hard work, will pass to the state after lawyers get their sticky little fingers in to do their business..
Well... just do what you feel like.
Personally, I haven't felt the need for a lap top. I'm nearly a hermit, after all.
It's a Dell, but I bought a 4 gig this, 4 gig that, 1 terrabite thingy majig at a Goodwill for a couple hundred that works pretty good.
It doesn't travel well but that's not a problem for a hermit.
I'm thinking I downloaded a virus along with updates yesterday. I am sooooo damn close to leaving the internet and take up something else.
You will never give it up. Once bit, forever poisoned.
Soon you can just get the chip and have your daily download beamed directly into the brain stem.
Laptops will be so yesterday. There will also be no need to travel because we'll all be living in a giant petri dish.
Good luck in your decisions.