Davis just can't bring himself to admit he's wrong about most anything.
It's painful to watch him hold court on things not related to hang gliding in his self admitted Off Topic "cesspool".
Hang gliding, he kind of knows things. I'll give him that but economics and his former mantra, anthropogenic global warming, he is fairly misinformed at the least, or at the other extreme, he purposely puts out crap to advance an ugly agenda. He may be honestly ignorant because of government school programming, as many are. (John Gatto covers this well)
http://www.lewrockwell.com/gatto/gatto-arch.html Honest ignorance is no crime unless it is accompanied by arrogance.
In the least, this is Davis' crime. That, and the ugly playground bully tactic of censoring anyone that disagrees with the self appointed smartest man on his blog, only surpassed by the prolifigate Keynesian policy pitchman, Paul Krugman, of the NY Times, that Davis admires so much.
So much crap. 'Fire up the printing press'. "Money is free".
The bankers have stolen trillions. Davis doesn't think it's enough.
Davis, not too long ago, said 'it was near impossible for anyone to have predicted' our present economic situation. 'It's so complicated but let's give more power and more money to the experts that couldn't see this economic collapse coming'.
Too much education (indoctrination/programming) must be the problem.
Straub isn't talking about the global warming hoax (proven) that he bought into from the Al Gore and the ugly railroad engineer that seek to make billions off a breathing tax.. CO2 is poison! The sky is falling! Stop exhaling and save the planet! ... such rubbish.. while ignoring the real toxins that are soft killing us by the millions.. eugenics is the evil programming implanted in Davis Straub's overheated mind, IMO. Too many people using to many resources.. hypocrite! Look who jets around the world satisfying his own selfish needs. How much deadly (sarcasm) CO2 is Davis Straub and his chase crew emitting? A hell of a lot more than the millions of people that are going to die if the CO2 as poison lie is furthered.
Davis spewed those lies and censored opposing opinions. Can he defend that?
Is that still the story? Can he admit that he was duped or will he continue to spread the delusions at a cost of millions of lives?
On the economy the psuedo expert Straub doesn't believe could be predicted..
Peter Schiff predicted it perfectly in 2006.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I0QN-FYkpw Ron Paul, has been predicting it for decades..
Hell, even I could see it coming. I told all my friends..
Davis so feared Ron Paul in the run up to the last presidential selection that the political/economic/science expert Straub, went to great lengths to censor the name of Ron Paul. Called him a kook. Obamma was Davis' pick.
Davis has gone to bat on three big issues and struck out three times.
He claims he paid (pays?) a carbon tax to Al Gore. (the big fat liar)
Is that still the case, Davis?
How many tons of the plant growth fertilizer CO2 are you paying tax on these days?
Are you happy with the change you got with the latest puppet in the Whitehouse? Are you happy that you helped so much to put him there?
Inquiring minds want to know..