Otto Meet Site Visit

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:09 pm

I stopped by the Otto Meet Site today and took some pictures ...

PA240011.JPG (32.92 KiB) Viewed 8257 times

PA240012.JPG (32.18 KiB) Viewed 8257 times

PA240013.JPG (37.09 KiB) Viewed 8257 times
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Re: Otto Meet Site Visit

Postby Neil Larson » Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:50 pm

Fabulous Bob Thank You for the RECON-
I have more info coming - have submitted request for cost of marker -
awaiting reply ... We had 2 near tornados here in 3 days - my appologies for delay-
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Re: Otto Meet Site Visit

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:20 am

I hope you don't mind my occasional poking and prodding, but what's the next step?

Maybe we could bring Lite Hawk up to the park and set it up as an introduction and demo? Maybe we could have some of our best spokesmen and statesmen there to tell about the history of the site? Maybe we could ask Bill Liscomb for permission to distribute a limited number of free copies of "Big Blue Sky" to the local residents?

Time is ticking past us ...
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Re: Otto Meet Site Visit

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:54 am

When I posted these pictures (October 24th, 2010), this forum was private for the organizers of the 40th anniversary commemoration. They all knew the layout of the area, so I didn't bother to annotate my photos (above). Now that this forum has become public, it might be worth making them a little more clear...

These photos show two possible locations for a site marker. The first two photos were taken of what appears to be an open space location between two homes. It's a good candidate because it faces down the hill to some degree - giving a sense of what the site might have looked like in 1971. The last photo shows a small park located in the center of the circular road. I think this would be the better location because it's already a park, and a small marker would lend to its appeal. It would also be a good place to hold a commemorative picnic where the neighbors could see any hang gliding memorabilia that we could bring for special events - like the 40th anniversary.
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Re: Otto Meet Site Visit

Postby Neil Larson » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:06 pm

From Google Maps - a look toward the launch hill from what is now a very busy traffic lane of MacArthur Blvd. This is a city "owned" nonresidential runoff spilway or drainage for the upper terrace of the Buffalo Hills estates community. It shows the only location on the Newport Hills Drive where a view out toward the Pacific can actually be seen. I was there in 2008 & fortunately this specific section remains "UNDEVELOPED" & is marked as such in city map logs-
This is an old archive photo from Newport Beach , of what is known now as Buffalo Hills evidently a small herd of domestic Bison grazed here , this could very possibly be the launch Hill of the May 23rd 1971 event, specifics are not clear about exact location of photo but since there was a single hillside in 1971 we may conclude that this is a view from the Pacific since the sun is hot on the direction


Another view of the only place atop the launch hill area where a public view can be made out toward the west ,
the rest of the hill top is obstructed by residential housing - I am thankful that this is very close to where the Hang Gliders took to the air , in 1971
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