Forum Overview

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:14 am

This forum was created to help organize an effort to commemorate the "The Great Universal Hang-Glider Championships - Celebrating the 123rd Birthday of Otto Lilienthal – Sunday May 23rd 1971".

This forum was originally created as a private forum for the organizers of this effort. By unanimous agreement of those organizers, it has now been made public.

April 5th, 2011
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Re: Forum Overview

Postby Neil Larson » Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:40 pm

A petition was suggested to accompany the presentation of a marker stone. The petition is not meant to imply force or pressuring the city by rather a formal platform document to explain in a simple open fashion the reason & intent of this project.
Here is the currently worded petition which has been circulated during most introductory communications – It is intended to be used – to give common information to all who volunteer to help with this project.

A direct petition to Mayor Mayor Michael F. Henn & the People of the City of Newport Beach, CA
On behalf of the Entire Community of Hang Glider Pilots & Sports Enthusiasts World Wide
With this formal & direct petition of (April 2nd -2011) - We Present This Primary Landmark Stone
to Officially Commemorate
As a Formal Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Sunday May 23rd 1971
-The First Annual-Otto Lilienthal Universal Hang Glider Championships
We Conspicuously Present this Marker to the City of Newport Beach to establish a primary public commemoration of the birthplace of the persistent modern renaissance of
hang gliding as a practical and modern competitive sport on
the Pacific slope of what is now known as
-Buffalo Hills Park & Harbor View Nature Park-

The petition being signed below by the following Honorable Attendees of this Historic Event & the listed
individuals worldwide being significant Hang Glider Enthusiasts who do agree to recognize this Landmark
& the events of the day as being of major historic significance to Aviation & Human Sport.
It is herby requested that all effort be made in a honest, open & public fashion & with rapid dispatch by
The City of Newport Beach California to take all appropriate steps in the effort to place this Plaque in a most Honorable & Conspicuous Public Location as near to the Original Site of the day as will lend Respect &
Dignity To All Those Who Took Part & Followed to bring Modern Hang Gliding into the 21st Century.
We trust that the community of residence of Newport Beach will be inspired to carry on the memory of this
most prestigious event with apparent affection being they are living on honored & respected historic grounds.
Further it is our sincere hope that with this Plaque the City of Newport beach will adopt an annual memorial or city wide celebration to commemorate the historic May 23rd 1971 Otto Lilienthal 123rd Birthday Celebration & First Annual Universal Hang Glider Championships with their own civic display of honor & heritage……..
Names authenticated with validation.
A World Hang Gliding Association officer will sign for the veracity of
petitioners' names and relations to hang gliding and sport before a notary public.
** listed as original attendees
From Day One
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Re: Forum Overview

Postby Frank Colver » Tue May 24, 2011 12:14 pm

This forum section is a good idea for the HG history marker efforts.

I have often said that the best time to record history is while those who lived it are still alive.

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Re: Forum Overview

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue May 24, 2011 12:31 pm

fcolver wrote:the best time to record history is while those who lived it are still alive.

It also helps the following "generation" to have actually met those who lived it. I know I will remember the history of that site much better now that I've met some of the actual participants ... on that site!!

People are social beings and knowing the actual people who made history is far more powerful than reading pages and pages of third party descriptions of it. First hand accounts (even in writing or on film) are just better at holding a person's interest.

Thanks to everyone who showed up to share their memories.
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