Kite-system damping HG or PG landings may be done in many ways. (Similarly, drones, powered aircraft, sailplanes may utilize a kite system for Safe-Splat operations.)
Here just one method with some sub-variations is mentioned now: Have kite system flying. HG or PG flies to integrate itself with the kite system.
Choose next steps:
1. Consider designing total system so that HG or PG pilot may control the total integrated system to be slowly downed.
2. Consider HG or PG pilot climbing out of their wing and zip-lining down the kite-system tether to the system's anchor set.
3. Consider after integration a use of a pulley at integration point to let down vertically the pilot; then control kite system to let down the HG or PG wing. Let down into a very small LZ.
4. Following the integration with the kite system, let the HG or PG pilot take an aloft nap. After the nap release from the integrated system and drop into gliding and soaring flight again; such cycles could be repeat. Various multiple HG or PG pilots could use the same main kite system for naps or lowerings.
Notice: Lowering the pilots could be rigged to produce electricity; the mass of the integrated HG or pilot will have upon aloft integration some potential energy; that potential energy could drive an electric generator or other good-works device.
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