Joe Faust wrote:DMarley,
Your note seems to be missing facts, assuming what is not fact, and then building statements on assumptions or beliefs that miss the mark about USHGRS.
1. USHGRS is not a club, not an association, but an agency for certifying recreational hang glider ratings proposed by facts witnessed. There is no memberships offered nor accepted. The agent is independent of other entities. One does not join USHGRS, dead or alive. USHGRS goes through a profound checking process. One cannot obtain a statement of a rating by virtue of asking or applying. One may submit data on one's behalf or on the behalf of another recreational pilot as an instructor, observer, mentor, airman, etc. Submitting data about a recreational pilot--dead or alive--does not force a production of a rating process; but if a rating process occurs resulting in a statement by USHGRS, then that pilot has for life and beyond a rating stated by USHGRS.
2. From the beginning of hang gliding history pilots ---dead or alive---have been rated . USHGRS continues that strong historically based tradition.
3. So far, only one rated pilot asked for a taking off their Pilot Page some image and non-core information about themselves. USHGRS will respond to requests with careful consideration.
4. USHGRS adds statements in Pilot Pages and on the indexing lists only after a recreational hang glider pilot has shown public recreational hang gliding activity. It is the aim of USHGRS to rate to H0 through H4 only every pilot that shows evidence of having a flight connection with the airspace over the United States or its possessions. USHGRS keeps an interest in deceased recreational hang glider pilots.
5. USHGRS has no need to ask a dead or alive recreational pilot whether they want or want not to be rated for hang gliding proficiency. But USHGRS receives requests for being rated.
6. It is beneficial and honorable to pay attention to recreational hang glider pilots who have died; certifying their hang gliding rating is part of the mission of USHGRS.
7. There are three sections to the USHGRS Pilot Page: a. Statement of rating that has been certified. b. Data supplied by the subject pilot that is fit for public display; we hold unpublished information not fit for public display; the submitter has much to say about what goes in that section or not. c. Information that might enhance interest in the subject pilot.
8. The third section on the Pilot Page is about enhancing interest; that section does not necessarily affect USHGRS certification process; rather, the video links and links to articles and documents in that section may not have been part of the certification process.
9. That USHGRS states a certified rating for a pilot does not mean anything about endorsement or not. USHGRS trades nothing for its certification processing. USHGRS is blind to endorsements or non endorsements. There is no essential need to ask a pilot if she or he is going to be rating certified by USHGRS; if the pilot has shown publicly, then they are potentially in the view of USHGRS rating certification domain.
10. Doug, you are invited to start a case about your rating with USHGRS. A case file has not yet been started about your rating. But it may get opened soon; an email from you to would trigger opening a case file leading to a certified rating statement and construction of a Pilot Page about you. Send data and have others send data about you; records from your instructors, mentors, observers, and examiners are receivables for the USHGRS process. And documents and links to information that surround you are welcome for USHGRS review for possible placement in the second and third section of the Pilot Page. You are welcome to trigger the process. sooner or later.
Honor your fathers and mothers; honor those who have gone before us and who live yet , though deceased. To forget Volmer Jensen or Larry Tudor would be a great loss. USHGRS aims to keep the won assets of recreational hang gliding alive to all who are concerned. Doug, you are welcome to submit interesting links about Larry or other HG pilots; USHGRS is not responsible for what history is showing about pilots.
I hope I have addressed your concerns; if not, we may go another round on any point in hopes to clarify matters. You are invited to reach to see what is the case before leaping to fly dark statements. Reach for potential light and hold out for a perspective that may be helpful.
Joe Faust
for teaming at USHGRS
Just occurring:
HGpilots/DouglasMarley.html has been constructed; the content will develop over time.