This clip shows why Lloyds of London fully backed the Telluride Airforce (and their roadies, ha). They understood that the TAF, although being a fledgling club of crazy Hang Glider Pilots, had what it took to fully insure them. I Plumbed for them all and found them to be really great people. On opening day of the ski area Hang Gliders also launched from the top. The only thing the ski area owner required was that the fliers not ware their ski patrol jackets when they flew, and the rest is history. The TAF was instrumental in exactly why Hang Gliding was one of the most popular sports during the 70's, and 80's.
The Telluride Airforce 1971. Gold Hill take off became world renowned for high altitude Hang Glider flying until the "flat-lander" parachutists kinda' ruined it.
For all you old timers out there, enjoy, and here are some clips below of one old timer who really loved Telluride and his camera mounts and music choices show how influential this man is.
NEVER FLY A HANG GLIDER - too much fun. When the wind blows. and On. with the antichrist. Gliding over Telluride with John Heiney and Craig Pirazzi. (rest in peace Craig, we miss you) John.
Here is a 1978 movie that was put together by Jeff Campbell who was the first Hang Glider Pilot to launch at Telluride Ski Area.
Off The Edge.