As I made my last flight at Funston this week, an RC pilot casually walked by and mentioned that he noticed I had some difficulty handling my glider up to and at launch. I immediately thought "oh, great, advice from a non-pilot". As I struggled to shove my ego aside (kicking and screaming at me) I was able to ask what he had noticed. He then told me he was, in fact, a hang glider pilot and had the same problem he noticed me having and said that it was nearly eliminated by simply moving his CG forward. Although I was in the process of breaking down and returning home, I found his idea very interesting from a couple different angles. First, I know this glider is trimmed near stall and I had not changed it because there was no easy way I could see to bring the CG point forward since the hang strap was already in front of the king post attach point. The second was that many experienced pilots had watched me all week and had given me a variety of ideas to improve my approaches and landings but none of them had mentioned anything about how the glider was trimmed. Before I go off and change my CG, I'd like to get some input as to how that may be changed by hooking into a different upright quick pin attach point in the Brock box (there were 3 in the Comet). I have been using the center position. Since the hang strap attachment is not even touching this, I assume it will not affect the CG and will only provide a minor adjustment to the upright forward/aft position once you rotate although it would make a difference in the static, unloaded balance point. Therefore, I will need to actually move the point at which the hang strap leaves the air frame while providing a safety stop like the webbing strap currently keeping it from being moved further forward.
Comments welcome....