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Adults, and Cildren, different Thoughts from each.

Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:47 pm

I mentioned these Flying thoughts in Previous Posts. But I on the one hand was tripped out by locals to where I landed, By "Locals", I am talking about adults, for Young People had the Mental ability to take what I said, and even though A Hang Glider landing accross the Street from say Their House. Kids could grasp and accept. What happens, and I am not the only one Who has had this happen to. Of course, what i am talking about is the utter disbelief by adults regarding after I had informed them as to where I had launched from. These Adults just could not wrap Their Heads around the Reality that in this case, that I had Launched from say six miles short of having Flown just flew the long distance powered only By the Sun. The Flight could have Been over a hundred Miles, 44 Miles, or 5r4 Miles. But in the end;Numerous Adults that I spoke with, refused to accept reality. That I had flown Cross Country with nary a Engine to make it possible to cover the Milege that I had just covered. But the the children that I came accross, seemed to; "Get It" They would accept the fact that I had flown from X - Launch, and obviously, I had just landed where I was now standing.

What I just wrote about demonstrates the different type of thinking between a Child, and an Adult.
Chris McKeon
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Re: Adults, and Cildren, different Thoughts from each.

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:38 pm

OK Check this thought of Mine out. This Question is for all the XC Pilots out there Who have had similar experience like what I have had upon landing after Flying an XC Flight. What I am alluding to is: After You have flown A cross country Flight You land, and I have mentioned in a Previous Post. The locals as are quite common come out to where You, in this case I have landed. Well, they invariably have numerous Questions. Questions such as: Where is the Engine? Where did You Launch from? Then after I have told them that I launched 44, 57, or a 144 Miles from where I had landed. It just blew My Mind how it predominantly seemed to be the case of where Children after how I had explained how I was even though I had not flown far, Heck they thought it was far. But the Children seemed to accept the reality of what had happened. When the same was explained to adults. The Adults who I explained like I had explained to children. The adults almost always at least Demonstrated feelings of non-understanding. or a lady in Gardnerville Nevada said to Me after I told Her that I had launched just a Little over 50 Miles away, having launched from Wolf's Peak California. Instead of accepting reality. Heck I was standing next to My Predator. Heck, she called Me a Liar! She just so had a hard time accepting that in Her Mind anyways That I had Flown so Far. She asked Me if My Flight was not that Far, then what is a long Flight. I told Here that a Flight that was over two hundred Miles, was a long Flight for a Predator. But when I have had inquisitive Children ask Me the same kind of Questions. How Far? How High? Where is Your Engine? Children are so much more accepting of reality than the Adults. You know, these types of encounters bring out experiences with People, Experiences that you just could not Buy!
Chris McKeon
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