Winged Gringo.
I still can’t get past your blogs security to post there so I’ll post here in case you check in.
I see where you got some junk mail (is that what an injunction is?) that says you no longer have the rights of the first amendment to speak the truth about the malicious prosecution that you had to endure.
Even I know first hand that the lawyer harassing you did not do his due diligence since you didn’t own the property in question where the alleged injury happened.
The land office or assessors office had that information.
The deposition shows that you hadn’t entered into a business deal with the plaintiff. Not being a lawyer myself I still would have researched something as basic as that.
So the judge threw the case out and you don’t have the right to speak up on the internet that you were screwed and by whom? I wonder if I can start a blog and post my copies of the depositions which by the way must be sealed now?
They are no longer a matter of public record in the courts?
I overheard the lawyer on YOUR speaker phone while we were in the Douglas, AZ, Walmart parking lot, loading our groceries, when the lawyer (allegedly) threatened you by saying, ---we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way,---
Ole if you didn’t perceive that to be a threat --I sure did at the time.
Time has proved up. He gave it to you the hard way. (was it good for you?)
The thousands that you spent on the lawyer for yourself will not be recoverable, I’m sure, because lawyer payments probably can’t be called damages I’ll bet.
It will be tough proving you are innocent of not doing anything wrong.
I can’t prove that I was breathing all last year. It would only be strong circumstantial evidence, which more than likely, will not rise to the standard of the courts around SW NM.
If I was handed an injunction that said I couldn't bitch about being screwed that would be just about too much to take
(and there are people that would say, --I can't figure why the guy snapped he was such a nice quiet fellow.--)