The rigid flying machines used by Otto Lilienthal until 1892 based on the model of the bird were difficult to transport to the airfield and store there. The Maihöhe-Rhinow apparatus therefore represents a decisive turning point in Lilienthal's series of glider constructions . It was the first glider that had its wings folded up like a bat. In the Rhinower mountains (near Berlin), Lilienthal was able to fly at distances of up to 250m with this apparatus and even performed curved flights. Reason enough to present the glider to our visitors in more detail in a short video.
Human tow of Lilienthal Glider-
At Liverpool, the talk was of Lilienthal's fatal accident just weeks before, when his glider had been struck by a sudden gust. Alas, poor Lilienthal, Oliver Lodge had scribbled in a note to Fitzgerald just before the meeting. The news would have sobered Fitzgerald who had been attempting to fly his glider, bought the year before. Hauled by stalwarts from the TCD rugby and hurling clubs, it seems the best they could manage was to get the professor a few feet off the ground. It is doubtful if he took to the air again.
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