Regarding extended uses of the S-SA logo, a note of April 23, 2015, partly abridged and slightly edited:
S-SA office wrote:Thank you for your inquiry on my Self-Soar Association logo.
And your interest. We had the logo on tee-shirts early in the 1970s
and use the logo to continue spots for Self-Soar Association both
for USA and international markets. Since Self-Soar Association
is still active with universal Otto Memberships for hang gliding
we still watch carefully where and how the logo is used. The association logo was integrated in various ways, one of which was to help spell the "L" in relation to the
Low & Slow magazine and booklet series. The logo expressed that Otto members were integrating with the wind very personally for flight; the globe indicated universal or international reach. The logo may only be used on to-be-sold products with direct permission from me.
Hang gliding in the USA is at an important turning point. Some key lessons have been learned. Paragliding shows no sign of overcoming the PDMC and inland-flight addiction. Today is a marking of the 1,305th paragliding fatality known. It has become for some of us unconscionable to support paragliding in any way as a public recreation sport; such forms a path of real and solid separation of the Otto Membership and Self-Soar Association from any support for paragliding public sport. For such reason, the logo of Self-Soar Association may not become a tee-shirt art for present entities' for-sale products that promote paragliding use.
Our first official historian Neil Larson is being CC my reply, sans body of your note to me. Neil remains active in the hang glider world contributing art, spirit, and community; he just did a poster for the May 23, 2015, Otto Meet at Dockweiler. He is part of the art department of Self-Soar Association. The business owner that I commissioned for the logo has passed; Neil is in contact with that business-owner's widow and adult children. A tertiary artist was hired by that business owner to do the art for the logo for Self-Soar Association. I had permitted Christopher Talbot-Jones to do his run of T-shirts with the subject logo. We use the logo on the S-SA membership cards and elsewhere.