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Hang Glider Pilots As Free Thinkers?

Postby Free » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:48 am

Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you... http://WayseerManifesto.com

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Re: Hang Glider Pilots As Free Thinkers?

Postby Free » Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:36 pm

I wasn't really sure what this video was all about when I posted it and I'm still not so sure.
It is kinda moving though.

There is a flying squirrel suit at about 8:04. Is that really free thinking? I don't know.

I think about 90% of the people that call themselves pilots believe that they are the unique 10% mentioned in the video. In reality there are probably less than 10% unique thinkers in the world. I used to believe that hg pilots were somewhat better than others when it comes to thinking outside the box. I'm not so sure now.
We may actually be worse than most when it comes to reality.

HG pilots live in a dream world inaccessible to the hoi polloi.
Hang gliding is such an escape that it lingers like a hang over in the conscience, like a drug.
Seeing through rose colored blinders in happy happy la la land. .

Ten years ago the SHTF and our world was turned upside down.
I believe we're mostly in a dream state pursuing 'unique' self satiation escapism while believing we are better than others. The whole country is dumbed down and scared into submission to an 'in your face' police state.
Can't see it? Take the blinders off..

Some engineers are brave enough to face the simple high school physics of 9-11, 01.

Some are not.
There are quite a few engineers in hang gliding.
I've yet to see one stand up to the truth of 9-11 physics.
We fool ourselves to believe what we are told to believe.
Little boxes of the mind..

Hang glider pilots may be unique in the fact that as a group we are uniquely good at escapism.
Escapism is fun while it lasts but I'm afraid we aren't going to like the hang over.

Is there one decent engineer type here that can honestly examine the physics of the collapse of WTC 7, and afterward announce your findings, one way or the other?

Google "WTC 7" and give it as much research and attention as you have to things much less important to your future. The scientific minded among us should step up to the plate for our children's futures. Stop being such cowards and hypocrites, fellow flyers..

Simple physics show that the conspiracy theory that your government wants you to belive can not be true.
The implications are quite scary. Being afraid of something doesn't make it go away.
Pilots like to think of themselves as brave.
I haven't been seeing it.

Who will take the challenge?
Start here : http://rememberbuilding7.org/10/

or choose your own path on the CIA/Google

"WTC 7"
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Everything you ever wanted to know about 9/11

Postby Free » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:18 pm

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

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9/11 Video Surfaces

Postby Free » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:59 pm

Is it real?

*It looks to me like there is some fakery going on here.
Still, a fake video can't negate the laws of physics that prove steel core buildings are not able to fall at the speed of gravity without some kind of mechanism to first remove resistance.
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