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HG Books: Correcting History by Henderson & Aspinall

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:53 am
by Rick Masters
HG Books: Correcting History -- Who Invented The Modern Hang Glider
by Graeme Henderson & Terry Aspinall

Free download at Smashwords: Kindle, epub and PDF

    John Dickenson’s invention is a milestone on the road of human evolution. John
Dickenson did not invent hang gliding, nor did he build the first hang glider and when he set
out on the project he did not even intend to build a hang glider.

    The thing is that John Dickenson built the best hang glider ever witnessed until that

Re: HG Books: Correcting History by Henderson & Aspinall

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:26 pm
by wingspan33
I'm waiting for JoeF to respond. :D

In the mean time, I'll have to download the book. I just picked up a slightly used B&N Nook Tablet. :thumbup: