Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Austin Free Flight Association Forum - Austin Texas

Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby SamKellner » Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:58 pm

From my friend Rich, HHPA. :wave: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

All the AFFA members know him.

http://ozreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php ... 9&start=10

Thanks Rich for speaking up, your opinion. :thumbup:

Many HG pilots from around the U.S. have been introduced to Torrey Pines, through San Diego resident BobK. :idea:

Bob is an ambassador for HG everywhere he goes.

Take the opportunity and contact Bob if you want to fly Torrey. 858-204-7499...... Go fly Torrey Pines. :!: Let them know HG is not going away. :!:
*unless you're a tandem pilot and wish to take up a student. Jebb has his tandem pilot for that, no names mentioned. :thumbdown:

This is not really about BobK. It's about the Jebb's paragliding business and the ... free... lease of the city park/glider port issued from San Diego city. :?:

I'd say the concessionaire's true motive was demonstrated by the
Rich: Stupid
act of tampering with the HG, Bob's HG in this case.
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:25 pm

Isn't it great the way the US Hawks forum brings clubs together from around the country!?!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:59 pm

[The Tail Wags the Dog]

It is not just down in Southern California where Government enforced individuals, such as a PRIVate Franchise that operates on Publicly owned Property. People who earn Money operating as Money Making operation. While They Fleece People. People who the vast Majority are Tax Paying Citizens. Those same Citizens are along with Their Non Pilot Friends and Neighbors Own Property, Pay Taxes. They are all Owners of the land. I just want to say here that up here in Northern California. We Too Have our in Our Case it is Park Rangers. So if asked just who are their Employers? I heard One Ranger said that He Worked for The State Park. He refused to acknowledge what is the True Reality. He works for Me and Many other Land Owning Tax Paying Citizens. I mean talk about the Tail Wagging the Dog. The Rangers act as if They are Protecting the Park from Us! I mean that. The Park Rangers really do think thar they are protecting "THEIR PARK!"
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:26 am

OK here it is:

I am a Twenty Year Pluss Predator Pilot. By the way; The Predator, Mine is a 158 Predator. Well My Predator was an optimum choice regarding My choosing of the second choice of a Hang-Glider. Thw 225 was a pretty good landing Glider, But the Predator ah what a Glider that can land! I mean being up in the Air is very cool, No I should say this regarding Flying; Flying up in the Sky is the absolutely the best thing that a Person can do. Any other activity fails in comparison to Flying a Hang Glider. Can I get a couple of; 9Hell Yeahs] on how Flying a Hang Glider is the Thing that all of Us just crave, Love to Do!

Ok so it is true I am on the Comeback Sky Trail to when I be able to Fly My Beloved Predator 158. I have talked with Bob K regarding how Hwe and I should go to The Wolf's Peak Launch that is close to Sonora Pass California. When i Proposed to Bob that He and I should go to Wolf's Peak and do some Flying. Bog said to Me Count Me in. I get the impression that Bob when it comes down to Flying. Bob JUST LOVES TO FLY!
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:40 pm


I hope to One Day when I am Flying to hook up with Bob and do some Flying. Wolf's Peak is up in the Sierra Mountains. Wolf is a site that i was introduced to By KM and Scott. I had a very good time Flying from Wolf.My flight did not have any Nail Batting Flying Moments. Such as being very low Miles from a road. There are numerous Places to launch from up in the Sierras. Bob will really enjoy Himself.
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:25 am

I'd like to fly there some time. But let's start with Dockweiler and work our way ... up. :)
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Re: Houston pilot speaks up for BobK

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Apr 20, 2023 4:13 pm

Bob I am just Worried that if You and I indeed do go up to wolf's Peak to Fly. You r Flying experience will be so Foreign to You that You will become rattled by the Experience of Flying at a Flying site that is Totally devoid of USHGPA or any other type of Flying Organization. I mean Bob being that the launch does not operate un der the Control of USHGPA, You will feel lost. But You need not Worry. For I will b e there with You.
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