All the AFFA members know him.
http://ozreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php ... 9&start=10
Thanks Rich for speaking up, your opinion.

Many HG pilots from around the U.S. have been introduced to Torrey Pines, through San Diego resident BobK.

Bob is an ambassador for HG everywhere he goes.
Take the opportunity and contact Bob if you want to fly Torrey. 858-204-7499...... Go fly Torrey Pines.

*unless you're a tandem pilot and wish to take up a student. Jebb has his tandem pilot for that, no names mentioned.

This is not really about BobK. It's about the Jebb's paragliding business and the ... free... lease of the city park/glider port issued from San Diego city.

I'd say the concessionaire's true motive was demonstrated by the
act of tampering with the HG, Bob's HG in this case.Rich: Stupid