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 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:08 pm 
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ChatGPT on rallying support among San Diegans for independent pilot use of the Torrey Pines gliderport:

Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at

View pilots' hang gliding rating at: US Hang Gliding Rating System

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:37 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:28 pm
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Elon Musk a few hours ago gave me access to Grog and advanced versions of Grog since I sold a "Make Syntax Great Again" hat in 2016. Its beyond any AI even my own OGRE. I am warning the San Diego City Councile we have Brad Sherman, Elon Musk, Gavin Newsome and Karen Bass. You will not win. We are willing to keep the paraglider instructors employeed because we have helped train them to provide the low accident rate and they are an asset. Trump is warning you we will annex San Diego to become part of the United States.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 1:16 am 
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Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:58 pm
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:salute: :salute: :salute:

JoeF wrote:
ChatGPT on rallying support among San Diegans for independent pilot use of the Torrey Pines gliderport:

Broaden our scope and,
Engage, and add to this, a "podcast" type model, using well produced videos and music and speech, to tell the truth about the elegance of Hang Gliding and the resources to get, "single pilot Hang Glider insurance" that all rated pilots, especially H4's, could buy into, along with accreditation for their most incredible flying MACHINES. Insurance rates could be based on the rating of the pilot, the better you and your choice of gliders are, the less you pay kind of thing, but maybe that is wishful thinking.

The "commercial" part of flying is a totally different issue, and addressed only by those that get money to fly and train others, and of course their insurance would be higher.
To tackle the political and legal part of what is going on at Torrey will have to be a well coordinated effort in the court system. and maybe not in the tainted judiciary of SD.
If people get together in front of a good camera and a good microphone going out to many many listeners God only knows the input that will change the world,
but we have to "learn to ask the right questions and not talk to the people who aren't listening", something well said by Jordan Peterson

From Joe's link.
4. Engage Local Media
Goal: Get media coverage to spread the word beyond your immediate circle.
Budget Tip: Send press releases and op-eds to local newspapers, TV stations, and radio programs. They may be interested in covering a local grassroots movement.
Action: Offer interviews with passionate hang gliders or community members who are directly impacted, and frame the issue as part of a broader conversation about public space use and environmental protection.
I would add, get community members to sit under a Hang Glider at the public TPGP, with the wind in their face looking out over the ocean and feeling the glider wanting to fly on it's own. It will put a smile on their faces and maybe that's what's needed.

And by the by, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, from this humble H0.
Tango Yankee to Bob for inviting me to join the, "Beautiful" US HAWKS.

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 12:16 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:58 pm
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:salute: :salute: :salute:

So Well Stated Joe.
"Without LJTC volunteers and
Councilman Joe LaCava seeing the "community" matter of Bob's thrust, it lowers hope for effective decisions.
There has not been an ounce of just-personal matter in Bob's thrust, though the teasing matter in some personal matters is there, it is there to point to
Community-wide loss of values and assets; every San Diegan ought to see that a structure that hammers one could perhaps Hammer All.
San Diego, Wake Up!".
Me on division,

Chris may understand this,
"I have long put people into two camps musically, the "anxious" A-440's, and the
"comfortable" A-432's,
and I think President Donald J Trump should now write A beautiful executive order to,
"MAKE A-432Hz GREAT AGAIN". Another Hat or T-shirt?
Why Not? A-440Hz is a PSYOP, demonically perpetrated on the world a long time ago".

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 9:53 pm 
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cross posted as
Elon Musk's AI Grok is helping me and BobK and it is now going after Ushpa and the FAA tandem exemption as leverage and we will not use the local court systems in San Diego as we will only use Federal mechanisms as they are not influenced by foreign drug cartels. Grok says there is no information as to the start date of the tandem exemption except 2 people flew in the Sir George Cayley Glider in 1804.

Grok was able to tell us the exact date a Cat was able to fly as a tandem passenger in 1981.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 10:42 am 
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:salute: :salute: :salute:

SPOT ON, Tango Yankee.

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:59 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:41 pm
Posts: 4645
Update on Penny Maus: She left the City of San Diego in November of 2023

Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at

View pilots' hang gliding rating at: US Hang Gliding Rating System

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:11 pm 
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A warning to the city council we are attacking here but we will warn you first the tandem exemption is gone FAA is gone as we know it and University of Califonia is blocking access to the site. It is all under DOGE and Gavin Newsome blocking Quantum Physics from leaving California for the offer University of Texas.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:18 pm 
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Ushawks has suffered a massive intelligence failure.
We received a carrier pigeon from Vietnam which contained a list of items made in China skirting US sanctions and tariffs used in the manufacture of paragliders.
Unfortunately I ate the carrier pigeon before I could down load all of the information due to hunger and slow download speeds.

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