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US Hawks Support of the Any Browser Campaign?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Feb 16, 2025 6:57 pm

Hello Fellow U.S. Hawks Board Members,

I'd like to add a small icon and link to our front page to support the "Any Browser" campaign. I don't think this requires a vote of the Board but I thought I'd check for any objections before adding it.

As background, you might review the Wikipedia article on the "Browser Wars". Here's my own explanation:

Simply stated, the world wide web is based on some people creating web sites and some people viewing them. For this to work, the creators and the viewers must use software with compatible interpretations of a web page. In other words, if I write a web page specifying underlined text with the code [u], then any web browser should show underlined text when it sees that code ([u]) in a page. This works pretty well when these codes are standardized so anyone can write web pages or browsers consistent with those standards.

However, anyone producing a web browser that sufficiently dominates the market can begin to define their own codes that are incompatible with other competing web browsers. If those new codes are popular enough, they will begin to appear on more and more web sites. Anyone using another (competing) browser won't be able to properly read those pages and feel compelled to use the dominant browser. This can easily lead to a virtual browser monopoly, and that's what has happened in the past (often called the "Browser Wars").

Over the years, there have been a number of organizations opposed to the widespread use of these special "browser-specific" codes and behaviors. One of them is known as the "Any Browser Campaign", and they allow sites to use their logo if those sites are non-browser specific. I have checked with the Any Browser folks, and they've looked at our site ( and found our site to be compliant with their standards.

So I'd like to add their logo (and a link to their site) at the bottom of our home page at "". They have a number of logos to choose from, and I am currently favoring this one:

vwab_thin.gif (804 Bytes) Viewed 843 times

The link on that image would go to "".

If there are any objections to this, please post them here in this topic. If I don't hear anything after a few days, I'll go ahead and add the link to our home page. This decision will be easily reversed if any of our Board members object. In that case, we can have a vote.

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Bob Kuczewski
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