That link apparently requires that one be logged into Facebook as a member of that group. Sorry.
I now show a screenshot of what a member would see. The event configuration code would not let me edit the "end-of-event date" so the event ended on the same day the event started.
The right lower of the screenshot shows a graphic link button that on the active page would lead back to US Hawks forum thread on the 5-ft Movement.[/url]
I tried again as event newbie: This time I was able to set a longer time for the event. And there was a configuration that let me choose to make event open to members and non members. I was able to invite all (over 1,000) )the FB Oz Report members. Clicking the following should not require FB login; I tested such in an incognito instance of my browser. looks like FB only invited my "friends" in two groups, thus maybe not the full set of members of the groups; one group was the FB OR, another Homebuilt HGs. Not sure. Maybe only 168 people were invited.