brianscharp wrote:
What happened to the Jonathan Dietch topic?
Thanks for the question.
1. In first rush construction of this "U.S. Hang Gliding Pilots" forum, a blanket move from the
Hang Gliding Historical Committee forum was made. Then a fast task to return non-thematic-fit threads back to the Hang Gliding Historical Committee forum took place. You may find the
"Jonathan Dietch flow" topic thread in the Hang Gliding Historical Committee forum where it was born and grown. A fresh topic thread in this U.S. Hang Gliding Pilots forum is titled per policy as "Jonathan Dietch" where thematic posts may be made by Jonathan and others about him as a U.S. Hang Gliding Pilot.
2. The site's main Search tool is quite effective in finding all posts everywhere where "Dietch" is mentioned in sporadic topics. Gathering and summarizing gems about Jonathan Dietch can be done occasionally by anyone for appropriate placement in the historical section or the U.S. Hang Gliding Pilots forum.
When a U.S. Hang Gliding Pilot has yet to have a topic in this present form, anyone may start the topic using the pilot's proper real name. See the stickly topic at top of this forum index. Thanks.
Glad you are posting and watchng out for good order here, brianscharp.