Political discussions about hang gliding

Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Free » Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:36 pm

Didn't want to come to the library today to answer the coup attempt against me. Scott Wise is on a roll in calling up votes against frank discussion. Scott has made several assertions against me personally in a program to shut me up or lock me away in the Free Speech Zone.
1. Free speech is not a zone.
2. Proposal: Codifying; Right to Redress
3. Frank Colver admitted being a Trump hater. Mad Maxine: Orange man bad cult
3a. No foul
4. U.S. Hawks assumes Power to Compel Redress of Grievance. Issue Administrative subpoenas when necessary.
5. Create informal membership investigative power like a Grand Jury

That's enough for now. I'm getting back outside. Cold front tonight.
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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:57 pm

Hi Warren,

The issue of redress is near and dear to my heart.

There's a section of the forum dedicated to making requests of the Board. The proper procedure is to post a request with the specifics of what you'd like done. You can participate in that discussion.

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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Frank Colver » Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:20 pm

I don't know why Free is attacking me? :crazy: I never discussed politics with him and I've only met him personally once when we met with the San Diego city council woman. We never brought up national politics that day, as I recall. Some of us did laugh at a car with a MAGA license plate, maybe that was all he had to go on. Or I can guess that I must have replied to something he posted sometime in the past several years that gave him the idea that he knows everything about how I think. Well you don't know me at all Mr Free!

The day we met I thought was very cordial and I considered him to be a friend, so this attack comes completely out of the blue for me. Imagine my surprise when I came to the forum and discovered that i was being attacked. Why would he care about my national politics? I don't care about his. We are in this sport together and trying to straighten out the hang gliding political situation. The American voters will decide the national situation, that's what we love about the people getting to decide instead of a ruler. We've got enough to do here in the hang gliding world to not dilute our efforts with other politics.

FYI - Mr Free, I didn't "push" this idea of putting HG politics in its own spot in this forum. Others were discussing it and i just said i agreed with them. I have no idea of how you got the idea that i was behind it and pushing it, I'm no longer on the board, having resigned after someone else attacked me. I guess you think I have more influence with this board than I actually have. I did express my opinion, as did others, that I thought it would help keep people coming back after their first visit to the forum.

If there is something about me that just pisses you off? Well, I can't go anything about that, so just suck it up and lets go flying!

Frank C.
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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:44 pm

Frank Colver wrote:I don't know why Free is attacking me? :crazy: I never discussed politics with him and I've only met him personally once when we met with the San Diego city council woman.

Hi Frank,

You may be confusing "Free" (Warren) with someone else. Warren wasn't at that meeting.

But I generally agree with your other responses. If we're going to help promote hang gliding, then we need to be united in that effort on all fronts. We can't let ourselves be divided by non hang gliding politics, religion, or anything else.

My biggest problem with Jack and Davis and USHPA is that they have each helped to divide the hang gliding community for their own benefit. The U.S. Hawks has been the only place where all voices can be heard.

I appreciate all who are working toward the goal of uniting rather than dividing.
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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Frank Colver » Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:12 pm

It looks like I did confuse him with the guy who had just had heart surgery. So then Free and I have not even met, so that removes the "instant dislike when he met me" explanation. That leaves an old posted reply, by me, to something political that he must have posted. I no longer remember it and don't want to expend any more time and energy trying to figure it out.

End of story! Back to hang gliding.

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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Frank Colver » Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:09 pm

Did I confuse "Free" with "Eagle"? Well, eagles are free!

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Re: Sunny, 57 F, Light Breeze & The Wise Guise

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:04 am

Frank Colver wrote:Did I confuse "Free" with "Eagle"? Well, eagles are free!

Warren (Free) was one of our original U.S. Hawks almost 10 years ago:

20191112_000827.png (57.97 KiB) Viewed 15267 times

Warren is one of the long list of people banned from hanggliding.org (Warren, Tad, Scott, Rick, Al, Bob, Joe, ...). And that's just the list from my own small circle of friends and acquaintances. We don't really know how many others have been "disappeared" over the years.

There's been a lot of harm done to a lot of people by Jack Axaopoulos. Warren is certainly among those who've been harmed. It's important to read his posts in that light. The same is true for the many others who've been harmed by Jack, Davis, and USHPA.
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