billcummings wrote:Bill’s suggestion would leave the word, “edit,” in place and add an asterisks (*) to the end of the word, “edit.*” (*Further description of the word’s intent would appear at the end of the TOS.)
The reasoning was to deviate as little as possible from the BB software creators’ original legal intent and recognize and stem the flow of abuses that too broad a definition of the word, “edit,” could and has allowed.
I think I would be fine with that if you wanted to propose it. Whether the wording defining the rules for US Hawks modifying (editing) a post go in the main text or offered as a footnote is much less important than what it actually says. Since this paragraph is at the end of the TOS anyway, I don't see much difference between an additional sentence stating the modification as an "also" or using the word "edit" and defining it in a footnote. Personally, I think adding it in the main text is more clear (and would probably hold up better) than as a footnote. People can easily say they don't read the footnotes, and they're also considered the "fine print". But if that difference was important to someone, then I could go either way.
Here's a suggestion which might also serve the purpose of exploring how our our Trial Board might work. So far all of our decisions have been yes or no votes (only two possibilities). Maybe this is a time for multiple proposals and a test of our proposed (but not yet approved) Condorcet voting system. I propose that anyone who has a preferred draft of the remaining portion of the TOS post it here, and then we can have a multiple candidate vote.
So with that thought in mind, let me introduce the following motion:
Start of Motion I move that any Board Members wishing to propose draft text for the remaining Terms of Service do so in one or more posts that clearly delineate their favored wording(s) for that section along with a single (possibly hyphenated) "word" to use as a key for identifying each of their proposed wording(s) in discussion and voting. All such proposed wordings must be posted to this topic before the end of Friday February 27th, 2015, Pacific Time. At that time all Board members may begin voting by placing their preferred ordering of the choices using the author's defined "key" in a post marked with the "vote" tag. Voting shall remain open until the end of Sunday March 1st, 2015 (Pacific Time). Board members may vote multiple times, but only the vote in their last post will be counted. Any proposed (candidate) wording that would defeat all others in a one-on-one comparison using the votes cast shall be adopted as the remaining section of our Terms of Service. If there is no such candidate that defeats all others with the votes cast, then we will continue the discussion.
End of Motion I am seeking a "second" for my motion. Thanks.