There were those present physically and there were those present by intention and those present by memory.
Modern first historian Neil Larson started a list above and invites us all to advance the list for record. Neil was present by intention and memory; and many missed his presence physically, but we worked with his artwork at the party for the certificates and reaped benefits from his work for the day, including the presence of El Segundo TV. Thanks, Neil!
George Uveges arrived physically; he was 92 on the day; he carrived a physical copy of Without Visible Means of Support book; the book held the raw signature of the author, our HG guru Richard Miller; George handed the book to Joe Faust for extending to some eventual permanent archive, perhaps after some work to the National Soaring Museum, as Richard Miller was an early 1960s' editor of Soaring Magazine.. In mid-1960, George Uveges flew a version of Richard Miller's Bamboo Butterfly (couple of versions were made and flown at Dockweiler by Richard and his friends, at least one from Europe was present to fly). Saturday's party held such dance and we note it here. Two photographs taken by George on those days of flight at Dockweiler in the 1960s had not been seen by me before; those images will be digitized and share ASAP; and then the photographs will be archived also in some permanent public place.
The completion of the list of attendees of the 44th Otto Party sponsored by the US Hawks HGA will take some time and work by many of us; the adventure will uncover many stories. Please, All, fill in missing names and notes.
Here is Neil's start list of physically present participants upon which I add some, but not yet all: [comments are NOT complete; all are welcome to comment]
* George Uveges, 92, HG piloted in 1966.
* Bob E. Chase, 90, flew in HG at party
* Frank Colver, 80, flew in HG at party
* Joe Faust, 73, flew in HG at party
* Mike Koman
* Taras Kiceniuk, Jr.
* Taras Kiceniuk, Sr.
* Vickie (Talbot-Jones) McBride
* Trip Mellinger
* Brian Porter
* Burke Ewing
* Pete Brock
-------------------------- extending now from Neil's start list:
* Angela Boras (thrice a Condor pilot)
* Duke
* Floyd Fronius
* Suzy Ewing (spell?)
* Phil Sergent
* Brian Bokkin
* Russell L. Velderrain "Russ"
* Brian Farber (spell?) and son
* Scott Wise
* Steve Corbin
* Sam Kellner
* John H. Anderson
* Daniel Fitzgerald
* Chris Bolfing
* Michael Grisham
* John Halcrow
* John Rittenhouse
* Dale Lofton
* Martin Lofton
* Greg DeWolf
* Kris Greblo
* Joe Greblo
* Austin Kellner
* Mary Ward
* Tim Ward
* Janica Lee
* John Heiney
* Bob Kuczewski
* ?
* ?????????
* ? MANY MORE, PLEASE STATE names of attendees. Thanks. The list is certainly not yet complete. Examine memory and photos. Become part of history ... where HG gets its focus refreshed.