In this rare footage recovered from the remains of an Ozone Warbler with a video camera attached to its head, the creature is driven from the sky by an angry eagle. The Ozone Warbler's screams of terror are clearly heard as the eagle makes pass after angry pass."The terror-filled squawking of this Ozone Warbler in the presence of an eagle comes as a surprise. This evidence shows for the first time that Ozone Warblers have become a food source for raptors as their territory expands," said an ornithologist from the university. "Previously, we had thought the Ozone Warblers were deliberately choosing nesting craters instead of trees. But based on this new information, we will have to re-evaluate our results. Many Ozone Warblers we had suspected of grossly incompetent nesting skills may have actually been the victims of raptor attacks.
Haliaeetus Gonnagetsom - a new source of fast food arrives in the neighborhood.
"Apparently a learned behavior on behalf of the hungry eagle, this development could in fact threaten the very survival of the Ozone Warbler for there appears to be no escape for the helpless creatures."
Viewer descretion is advised: The last moments of the unfortunate Ozone Warbler are captured here, in an image too graphic and terrifying to present on this family forum.