by Bill Cummings » Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:05 am
Imagine Andy Rooney speaking the next question.
[ Did you ever see a newspaper article that says something like, Child Molester Caught by Police Officer,” and either right above or below is the picture of the police officer that is from your church group?]
[Don’t you find it a little irksome that readers will get the idea that the child molester is the one in the picture and particularly irksome if the picture shows you smiling and shaking hands with the officer?]
Now let me direct your attention to the inside cover and facing page of the latest Paragliding magazine, November 2015.
On the inside cover we see a beautiful Ozone XC paraglider high in the clear blue and puffy cloud scattered heavens.
Now switch gears and look at the facing page to the right of the inside cover and tell me --- is it just me or am I being overly sensitive about the "hand" gliding picture with the next thought, “WARNING” written in what I would describe as blood spatter red, with Hang gliding and danger most closely associated?