Responding to reports from hikers of an Ozone Warbler nesting in the forest, a team of taxidermists trek late into the night.
After several hours of searching, they locate the creature high in a tree.
Snapping and squawking, the angry creature is lowered to the ground.
Suddenly a cook from a nearby Korean restaurant leaps out of the darkness and begins plucking the confused creature.
"Stop!" shouts the master taxidermist, outraged. "It's ours. We're going to stuff it."
"I give you fifty dollar for the
chicken of the sky," counters the cook.
"Well, I don't know..." ponders the taxidermist.
I give you two Labor day breakfast special!"
"Well, I don't know..."
"Arrgh!" cries the cook. "I give you 5-course Labor day barbeque special
and Tokki Soju! Tokki Soju!"
"Tokki Soju, huh? Well, I could sure use a drink but that stuff will kick your butt..."
Then after a long pause, the taxidermist finally says, "Well, okay," and his team cheers.
Unfortunately, no egg was found.