Personal Journals about Hang Gliding

Hang gliding fades in Europe

Postby Rick Masters » Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:58 pm

Of the approximately 50 pilots of the club, there are not even ten now who pay homage to kite flying. Many have moved from the kite to the paraglider and the new entrants decide exclusively to pursue paragliding.

Von den etwa 50 Piloten des Clubs sind es heute noch nicht einmal mehr zehn, die dem Drachenflug huldigen. Viele sind vom Drachen auf den Gleitschirm umgestiegen und die Neuzugänge entscheiden sich ausschließlich für das Paragliding, wie dieser Sport im Fachjargon heißt.;art372434,8968019
Rick Masters
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Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:11 am

Re: Hang gliding fades in Europe

Postby KaiMartin » Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:59 pm

In 2015 the DHV of Germany issued 48 licenses "A-Schein" to new hang gliding pilots. (IIRC, the A-Schein is roughly comparable to a H3). In the same year there were 1.913 A-Scheins handed to para gliding pilots. Both numbers were slightly down compared to 2014 with 51 for HG and 1.949 for PG.

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