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Re: forum goes dark

Postby brianscharp » Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:38 pm

Rick Masters wrote:Spincident Report

I like the term, but see the intent as more of a way of protecting the status quo.
These spincident reports are written with the prior intent of falsely presenting hang gliding as being as dangerous or more dangerous than paragliding under the same conditions.

Do you have an example?
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The Dark Side at Torrey Pines Gliderport

Postby eagle » Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:38 pm

Its Extortion by Public office

1st point: A corrupted City lease agreement,
Sold my rights to a free park & launch access, disguised as a pilot site fees, into leasehold cartel private account
Leaseholder is charging $10 a day or $200 for the year
With the threat is workplace violence, trespassing, false report & arrest

2nd point: unneeded insurance
Payment of $150 for recreational insurance not needed by common Law
With the threat of tearing up your skill rating card and insurance

~ A Double Scam Wham Bam ~

Para Crime.JPG
Para Crime.JPG (41.49 KiB) Viewed 4879 times

Knowingly or unknowingly
Like Myself (if your paying them, by no choice your cosigning the deal)

I Pay both Parties, sign waivers under threat and duress, or I cant fly
It becomes extortion as soon as you realize you have been fooled & you cant get out
its not a club anymore its Mandatory by threat or loss
Last edited by eagle on Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: forum goes dark

Postby Rick Masters » Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:09 pm

I like the term, but see the intent as more of a way of protecting the status quo.

Having been flying since the 1970s, I have to say that the "status quo" seems to be a moving target. In fact, today's status quo is a little hard for me to recognize.
Do you have an example?

Although the conclusions were inescapable, I remember being surprised by who was chosen to investigate Jean Lake.
Rick Masters
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Re: forum goes dark

Postby dhmartens » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:34 pm

I think has gone dark, all I get is:
HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed

If Bob bought the $1,500 e-help electric launcher he could fly Torrey and set a good example for future pilots on how to circumvent the Ushpa/realestate monopoly.

When you consider the amount of time we all spend on this the price tag is really quite affordable. Maybe we could crowdfund?
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Re: forum goes dark

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:29 pm

eagle wrote:

When a Private Business Monopoly takes over and charges to use Free Airspace

USHPA Pilot Proficiency System & Maybe the HPAC Pilot Ratings
Have lost their integrity mainly when they went from being a Normal Club to Racketeers,
Dictators with iffy instructors demanding payment to Fly Free public sites

This Is Extortion By Public Office
Public/Recreational pilots monies into private accounts for every unknowingly American or visitor

Its Extortion by Public office

1st point: A corrupted City lease agreement,
Sold my rights to a free park & launch access, disguised as a pilot site fees, into leasehold cartel private account
Leaseholder is charging $10 a day or $200 for the year
With the threat is workplace violence, trespassing, false report & arrest

2nd point: unneeded insurance
Payment of $150 for recreational insurance not needed by common Law
With the threat of tearing up your skill rating card and insurance

~ A Double Scam Wham Bam ~

COSIGNING EXTORTION,[/b] Knowingly or unknowingly
Like Myself (if your paying them, by no choice your cosigning the deal)

I Pay both Parties, sign waivers under threat and duress, or I cant fly
It becomes extortion as soon as you realize you have been fooled & you cant get out
its not a club anymore its Mandatory by threat or loss

Good summary of the situation at Torrey Pines Gliderport!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Rick Masters wrote:The term spincident report was entered into the lexicon of paragliding and hang gliding by Rick Masters on the US Hawks Forum on June 26, 2017.

Thanks for yet another gift to hang gliding Rick!!!! I expect to make good use of your term. :)

dhmartens wrote:If Bob bought the $1,500 e-help electric launcher he could fly Torrey and set a good example for future pilots on how to circumvent the Ushpa/realestate monopoly.

That's a clever idea Doug! The problem is finding a place to launch and land. Only the FAA can regulate airspace use, but governments and private owners can regulate what's done on their property. Wingspan has put forth the interesting proposition that we're not flying until we've actually left the ground, so we're not in violation of any anti-flying ordinance until we're already out of the jurisdiction of that ordinance. That one might have to go to the Supreme Court!!
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Smiley Skull Extrotion

Postby eagle » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:47 am

More gone dark trivia
So I was Google searching the Smiley Skull pic and look what came up

'A living hell':
Extortion case reveals the dark side of TC parasailing

See Story ... g#stream/0

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Site Fees are illegal

Postby eagle » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:48 pm

Wonder what other schools think
School Fees Are Illegal | San Diego Reader ... y-light-2/
Mar 17, 2010 - The School Site Council is required at all schools in the San Diego ......
that the school observe the law and stop charging students illegal fees.

So every pilot's gotta pay me a to use a free public park
~ I Know, It's a Scallywag Crime ~ It's Extortion by Public Office ~

Its My Gliderport.jpg
Its My Gliderport.jpg (9.13 KiB) Viewed 4806 times

Are you kidding,...
Any school, operation or (Racket) on public lands,
Should be fully liable & be paying the public office.
Is not to charge, interfere or obstruct the
public's free recreational use in any way

No Pilot should ever be charged to Access or
Use free airspace at a free public park

A Solution ~
Which Could end the problems for the City Council
It would be giving full control back to the city, with a snack shop lease check,
A separate school/joy ride operation check
and Pilot skill rating cards from notable schools or flying clubs
(Most of All the public's recreational freedom back)
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