At the core of the growing number of US Hawks, the death spiral of U$HPA, the RRG mess, site insurance and the FAA is:
Self regulation was:
the founding concept of the (now dead) USHGA
a large reason for the FAA allowing us Part 103 exempt status
a reason public and private land owners allowed fee free access under outdoor recreation laws
the closeness and respect we felt to our fellow pilots
the exchange of safety, weather, site and technique information
(I am sure there is more)
U$HPA chose to follow the money, regulate and attempt to secure their dwindling membership via the waiver, site insurance and the disastrous inclusion of collapsing aircraft, and ABANDONED our tradition of self regulation in favor of self promotion, growth (like cancer), control and restrictive access policies. By consciously abandoning self regulation and including ownership of the RRG by every member, Part 103 may already be violated. Make no mistake, U$HPA is dying, quickly, and only by their own greedy hand. They KNOW IT! Paying some lawyer $200,000 to try to fix it with an RRG will not work, in the long run.
Paragliding is far too dangerous to be folded into hang gliding. Since paragliding has been marketed as an easy to learn thrill ride, it will not grow (grow, grow, grow) if it is allowed to be self regulated. Thus, U$HPA becomes more fascist and stubbornly refuses to awaken to the truth they once embraced, and then turned away from. U$HPA is a paragliding club.
Faced with renewal of "insurance" (which is really an underwritten bond), site stewards would be better off re-negotiating access using our proud history of self regulation and liability EXEMPTION via state outdoor recreation laws. Public land is "owned"... by the public, not the agency. Self regulation and outdoor recreation IMPLIES no insurance, no lawyers, no liabilities or expensive attempts at monetizing access to every being's sky and the occasional consequence of pilot error.
Ignoring self regulation has led to the current sad state of divisive politics (even at launch, where, as pilots, our focus is mandatory), rising costs, decreasing protection for land owners, a thin and vanishing veil of insurability, and a possible new look at Part 103 by the feds.
I am hoping people think really hard about self regulation when asked to negotiate, when asked to "renew", when asked to "save free flight" by sending MONEY (isn't THAT an oxymoron?).
As mortality creeps in, for those of us taking the long view, I believe in the cyclic nature of things. (I have flown hang gliders every year since 1976, when I was 24).
That brings us full circle to... the US Hawks!
We already have every thing we need, and we do not need to incorporate, or insure. We need to educate, spread the word and maintain absolute separation from the greed of uncontrolled growth (cancer) and unnecessary regulation.
We need to take back our precious sites, find new ones, and always, always remember and honor those founding members who made this all possible.