Greetings pilots and all. My name is Steven Smith advanced instructor & pilot since 1970s
Bob called and had a nice talk , very nice gentlemen pilot.
I was at the top of my carrier in hang gliding as instructor and schools of my own.
Until I was hog tied and backstabbed by ushga , lies abounded causing divorce and horrific life changing struggles.
I have stayed clear of the USHGA insanity and corruption since early 2002 .
I have logged over 20k hours.
Flown Arizona, Las Vegas rodeo air.
Started flying on the Oregon coast and northwest.
All corners of the Americas Mexico, Canada all over USA.
Built first Commercial hang gliding tow boat but coppied.
Trike pilot , no paraglider anymore, if no airframe no thanks.
Have a horrible reputation by way of untrue gossipi and outright lies on sites like
I know the truthfulness of my untarnished history as well as some others.
Attached pic . Me below boat towing at 5000 AWL. Well pictures won't upload.
That's my quick introduction. Sincerely. Steven Smith formerly advanced pilot and instructor.
No place like cloud base. USHGA IS NOT THE WAY.
Excuse any errors working on cell phone's small screen .
- Photo.png (334.72 KiB) Viewed 5745 times
Moderators note: Steve sent the photo by text and it was added to his post.