October 21, 2018
High in its leafy abode, an Ozone Warbler waits patiently for a female to pass overhead and notice its colorful nest.
Hopefully she will join him and then, Great Warbler willing, an egg will come!
Lost in erotic daydreams, he fails to notice the approaching taxidermist until it is too late.
"Wadda I do, now?" the novice whispers into his radio to the Master Taxidermist watching from below.
"You grab it by the ankle," he replies. "That calms 'em down. Then slip the rope around it and knock it off the branch."
"Okay..." the novice says with trepidation. "But I don't think it likes me."
"We're not here to make friends! Do it!"
Sadly for the Ozone Warbler, he is captured and lowered to the ground.
"I can't wait to pluck it!" says the eager novice, pulling chest feathers from the helpless, squawking creature.
"You should wear gloves when you do that," says the Master Taxidermist. "You don't know where its been."
"I can't wait to stuff it," says his wild-eyed associate, lips drooling, fingers twitching as he grips his stuffing gun.
Unfortunately, no egg was found.