Looking over the Frequently Asked Questions there does not seem to be any rules about being banned or rules for the process of being banned from the US Hawks, just references that it is possible to be banned.
That does not seem fair to invite people to your forum and then ban them for posting topics you don’t want them to talk about.
These are the references to banning in the “Frequently Asked Questions”:
Why can’t I login?
There are several reasons why this could occur. First, ensure your username and password are correct. If they are, contact the board owner to make sure you haven’t been banned. It is also possible the website owner has a configuration error on their end, and they would need to fix it.
Why can’t I register?
It is possible the website owner has banned your IP address or disallowed the username you are attempting to register. The website owner could have also disabled registration to prevent new visitors from signing up. Contact a board administrator for assistance.
What are Administrators?
Administrators are members assigned with the highest level of control over the entire board. These members can control all facets of board operation, including setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc., dependent upon the board founder and what permissions he or she has given the other administrators. They may also have full moderator capabilities in all forums, depending on the settings put forth by the board founder.