It wasn't contempt of court. The judge simply ruled against me and ordered me to pay the opposing party's attorney fees.
Saldana is playing the kid's game of provoking a sibling while Mom and Dad aren't looking and then screaming to draw their attention as soon as the sibling responds in kind. Saldana's side provided no meaningful initial discovery data while we produced gigabytes of audio, video, and pictures. The data produced was absurdly unbalanced. So Saldana couldn't complain about the initial production of data. But then he used the relatively expensive deposition process to demand even more data from us. That's when he screamed that we weren't producing what he demanded.
In both cases (parents and court) the overseers are so overburdened that they don't have much time or patience to dig into the situation. The actual hearing before the judge was only a few minutes long. Unfortunately, I had prepared more than I could present in that time. I had also forgotten to look up the Judge's tentative ruling which is usually posted the day before the hearing. Checking the tentative ruling ahead of time would have helped guide my oral presentation, but I hadn't read it. I blame myself for this tactical loss because I didn't understand all of this when I entered the courtroom Friday morning.
Justice is near and dear to my heart - even more so than flying. In my perfect world there would be time for judges to dig into issues like this and find the truth. But just as in my USHPA expulsion, most people don't even have time to skim the facts. I am learning as I go.
dhmartens wrote:It looks like you committed contempt of court by not submitting records and were fined over 3K (dollars not feet of altitude). That money could have been spent on something better.
My agenda requires you to submit the records and then some, go all the way back to the illegal recall election and also the banning where you starting a competing club was listed as #1 reason. By submitting these records they will be also included in a federal investigation of the power base of San Diego. My goal is to get you readmitted to Ushpa and I have a plan after the new bod is sworn in.
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