OF COURSE it's POSSIBLE for a parent to be concerned about BOTH the safety of exposing his child to hang gliding AND the wisdom of exposing his child to hang glider pilots who speak as I do.
That's the basic malfunction*- severe Perspective Deficit Disorder - that gives us "pilots" who wouldn't DREAM of flying without backup suspension but have no problem whatsoever putting a glider without wheels on a launch cart and using a weak link they KNOW has a very high probability of blowing the moment they get airborne.
And if he thinks for a nanosecond that he won't be exposing his precious child to hang glider pilots who speak as I do he's got an extremely tenuous grip on reality. I've watched a lot of people come into LZs in dead air and light switchy conditions and I've never once heard anyone use an asterisk.
He's also almost certainly got an extremely tenuous grip on reality if he thinks Precious isn't speaking as I do the second the front door closes after he walks out through it with one of his friends - even if Precious and his friend are two thirds the age you cited.
And this is an EXTREMELY rotten sport for people with tenuous grips on reality and we're already flooded with people of that description participating in and controlling it. So if there's a genetic component to that malfunction*then maybe this ain't such a great pastime for Precious anyway.
bobk - 2011/10/27
I spent some time in the US Army, and we cussed like sailors.
Obviously you've since had professional treatment to cure - or at least manage - that pathology but if you had been participating in hang gliding at the time it might have been unwise for Precious to have been exposed to you?
As a guy who boasts about adding 2 plus 2 and always getting 4, you fall woefully short on basic logic skills.
Tad, your statement contains an IMPLIED false dichotomy.
I ain't IMPLYING NUTHIN' and there ain't NUTHIN' wrong with my basic logic skills.
Yes, I recognize that there are parents who are more concerned about Precious being around people who use four letter words than they are about people who will kill him but leave his soul untainted. It's just that I don't like those people any more than they like me and I don't want them around any more than I did when I was sixteen or twelve or eight. I get tired of society always having to cater to and gear for its least common denominators.
"I don't want there to be any chance of Precious being able to hear or see this on broadcast television so I'm not going to allow ANYONE hear or see it."
I'll tell you want I want for MY Precious (nephew)...
He already knew all the Carlin words when his age hit double digits so his soul is toast anyway and three or four eternities burning in Hell aren't much worse than one. So I'd be just fine with you and your army buddies on that score.
But I don't want him within a hundred miles of people like THIS:
Rick Masters - 2011/10/19
At that moment, I would banish all concern about launching unhooked. I had taken care of it. It was done. It was out of my mind.
- on launch anyway. That sets a dangerous example and contributes to a dangerous environment and group mindset at the ramp and I don't even want him to SEE that approach until after he's got about five years of doing it right under his belt.
I want him totally surrounded by people like THIS:
Rob Kells - 2005/12
Always lift the glider vertically and feel the tug on the leg straps when the harness mains go tight, just before you start your launch run.
Nobody - 2011/08/10
Bob, you're full of sh*t. Go learn how to launch with a tight hang strap!
Brian McMahon - 2011/10/24
Once, just prior to launch.
Christian Williams - 2011/10/25
I agree with that statement.
What's more, I believe that all hooked-in checks prior to the last one before takeoff are a waste of time, not to say dangerous, because they build a sense of security which should not be built more than one instant before commitment to flight.
who comply with both the letter and intent of USHGA's most important and effective Pilot Proficiency Program regulation instead of inventing all kinds of idiot reasons why they shouldn't have to.
I want them all watching his suspension like freakin' hawks as he's getting set to go. And if it doesn't go tight between T minus two seconds and his foot moving I want one or more of them to hunt him down in the LZ, smack him around a little, and tell him to NEVER int*rcoursing launch an int*rcoursing glider unless the int*rcoursing straps are tight.
Cragin Shelton - 2005/09/17
You are not hooked in until after the hang check.
Peter Birren
These are Donnell Hewett's original 12 elements of a good tow system. They are as viable today as they were in the early 80's when he wrote them.
Towing Aloft - 1998/01
Weak links very clearly will provide protection from excessive angles of attack, high bank turns and the like for this form of towing.
Wallaby Ranch - 1998/02
If you fail to maintain the correct tow position (centered, with the wheels of the tug on the horizon), the weak link will break before you can get into too much trouble.
Jim Rooney - 2007/08/01
Whatever's going on back there, I can fix it by giving you the rope.
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/31
But you see... I'm the guy you've got to convince.
Those are some of the REAL obscenities in hang gliding that Precious's mom and dad SHOULD be worrying about. And until US Hawks snuffs with them and their purveyors with whatever measure of brutality it takes it has absolutely no business whatsoever trying to attract ANYBODY'S kid - age 12, 16, 36, or 66 - into this organization or sport.
P.S. Any comment on whether or not it's possible to use any of our innocent looking little smileys in astronomically offensive ways which would rightly turn ANYONE away from our organization so fast he'd need a neck brace for a couple of weeks?
P.P.S. There are asterisks after the two uses of the word "malfunction" in the text above. The software wouldn't allow me to post - or even preview - with the spaces in place. This has happened before. Something weird going on with some code.