By the way Tad, I should take this opportunity to thank Sam for continuing to post here despite your continual unwarranted attacks and snipes.
Me too. I've learned so much more than I would've ever believed possible. For example...
IMO, There are many other final checks, weather/wind check, instruments, LZ, etc.
I never before understood the importance of carefully checking to see that the LZ was still there just before running off the ramp.
Unlike you and I, Sam can go post on the Oz Forum or anytime he wants.
Yeah. That's what I MOST admire about it him. He's NEVER been sabotaged, sent to The Basement, locked down, deleted, or banned by Davis OR Jack.
Hell, he appears NOWHERE on The Jack Show Ignore List: takes a very special kind of person. I'm still at the top - head and shoulders above second place - even after having been kicked out for two years and two days. How I wish I weren't the sociopathic total scumbag that I am - and that my last three psychiatrists hadn't slashed their wrists so deeply that it was too late by the time they were discovered.
He doesn't need to put up with your endless drivel here or anywhere else.
Jim Rooney - 2011/08/28
Yeah, I've read that drivel before.
It's a load of s***.
1. Yeah, what a great feeling it must be to be able to go to a drivel free zone any time you want.
2. But, hey, just as soon as you appoint him President and give him the buttons there won't be any more drivel here either. It's just a matter of time.
I believe Sam hangs around the US Hawks in spite of you because he believes in establishing a new organization to represent hang gliding.
Yep. I can hardly wait to see how that turns out.
My hat is off to Sam, and I apologize to him for Tad's continual sniping.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to Sam for this link: Nobody in response to one of Sam's posts a short time ago. After I finished watching in twenty times and got the giggling partially under control I felt really ashamed of myself.