Best reason to require a paraglider wing to have an automatic reserve chute built into it. AI likes it. The paraglider's "startle response time" is sheer chaos. PG's seem to spend more time training to throw a reserve chute, than actual piloting skills, and then there are the many fatal collapses too low to the ground.
I get the feeling that many paraglider pilots are relying on their inflated egos to save them when their laundry is being tumbed. I prefer an airframe vs denial, in negative g forces it's proven to be more reliable than a prayer.
Any person claiming a "sudden wind change" doesn't understand our planet, and needs to go to an amusement park for their jollies, instead of becoming a menace to themselves, others, and our sport.
DaveSchy wrote:In negative g forces an airframe is proven to be more reliable than a prayer.
I don't think I've ever seen it put that clearly.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization:US Hawks at View my rating at:US Hang Gliding Rating System Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
"safest" "best" Which was best, Curly, Moe or Larry? Nyuk nyuk. Thanks for the laugh, Joe!
Shall we ask "Richard A" who was an aircraft carrier Navy pilot if his prosthetic makes him feel safer now?
Or, as Sensor pilot and good friend Rick Girard (RIP), the first LSA a and p in the US, would say about this video and the Gottsquad ilk "what a maroon" .
Joe, I was trying to keep track of how many times this guy said he was the first or only or greatest person to do this or that. I lost count.
Dave, it was good talking to you tonight. Thanks for your time.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization:US Hawks at View my rating at:US Hang Gliding Rating System Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
I along with a vast Majority of My Friends Who Fly fixed Wing Hang Gliders< We/I LOOK AT Flying Para Gliders with amazement. I mean there a Paraglider Pilot
might be flying along when they upon flying through some turbulence, then their Paraglider might possibly wad up. Then I understand that there are actions that the Pilot can take to cause the Wing to regain it's Pre Turbulence shape. but if those actions do not cause the Wing to re-inflate. Well then there is their last Ditch; They can (THROW THEIR PARAGLIDER)
I for one look at Paragliders with a profound sense of Awe. Paraglider Pilots have what I do not have and most likely will never have. I do not what to call what Paraglider Pilots have. But what ever One calls it; Nerves. Bravery, Indifference, or Pure Gut's, they have this "X " Quality in Spades.