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Thanks Neil and BobK. Fun.
There is a distinct niche activity FLG (flatland long gliding) that might be characterized as a wing-assisted long jump. In FLG there is an invitation to do about 20 to 50 "safe splats" in a play-fly-workout-fitness session on a flat field; first one way; then when field room runs out, just turn around and go the other way. Nil wind is target. Run like mad but with strong trained coordination and control of angle of attack (AoA). At the right moment leave the ground with fine-tuned control of AoA and be nearly immediately ready for safe splatting. Repeat with joy over and over again. Get healthy. Tune wing designs and athleticism to a high degree; gliding as far as possible. Train these efforts; get nerves fine tuned. Such is a form of man-powered and gravity-powered hybrid flight. Such is one of the several niche flight realms where deliberate safe-splat structures and strategies will be wanted.
Another close cousin to FLG is FLWAHJ or that is, Flatland Wing-Assisted High Jumping. Goal is successes in nil wind on true flats. Goal success is different from FLG. Here in FLWAHJ, the target is to fly over a barrier and safe splat in a glide. Raise the barrier as skills and designs advance. Train well. Design well. And make every splat safe by design and strategy.
Another cousin to the above is a niche activity of downhill urban-street gliding. Intend to land hundreds of times a week on asphalt without a scratch. Stumbles will still result in no-scratch safe splats. No injuries allowed! Design the wing and choose the inclined street. Apply the principles of FLG, but know that the incline downhill landing is going to give new opportunities for distance; and opportunities for terminating the flights without injury. Aim for nil wind in one niche activity here. Staying in superman prone position and having Safe-Splat devices and strategy combined with niche-purposed wing designs opens a niche activity.