Jacmac wrote:
There will always be a concession, the question is will there be better oversight in the future? I don't have anything personal against the current lessee, but there does need to be fairness in the operation of the site.
Agreed. But I also like Joe's comments regarding how other public/private arrangements have been structured where there are multiple concessions and the public has a choice.
The real problem with Torrey is not so much that there is a concession there, but that the concession controls the public's access to the site. There's nothing wrong with the City allowing a hot dog concession at a public beach ... but you can't have the hot dog vendor deciding who can (and can't) go into the water!!
I think we should work toward decoupling the concession (a business which sells equipment and lessons) from the public's access to the flying site. This includes decoupling the money as well. I would like to see all flying fees (day use and annual) going to the City and NOT to the concessionaire. I'd also like to see the Flight Director be accountable to either the Advisory Board or the Soaring Council (providing that the Soaring Council is properly balanced - which it is NOT now).
Jacmac wrote:
Everyone needs to keep in mind that the perception of the Hawks is that the club is actually made up of 6 or 8 crackpot pilots and the rest are just pilots that were willing to join for nothing.
I don't think that perception is universal. If you get away from the Torrey PG crowd (which has infested the SDHGPA), you'll find that there are lots of people who view the Hawks as working to preserve hang gliding at Torrey Pines. Even in my recall election (where I was smeared with misinformation) I got more than twice the votes of the entire membership of the SDHGPA. So don't let the SDHGPA/Torrey propaganda mislead you. By the way, now that Jeremy Bishop is President of the SDHGPA, it's very clear that the Torrey concession controls that club. This should be additional ammunition for putting the Torrey Hawks on the Soaring Council ... to represent pilots rather than the concessionaire.
Jacmac wrote:
The only way we can really change that perception is to charge a membership fee and have an expiration date. I believe there are other pilots in the club that care enough, we just have to prove the naysayers wrong once again.
We may have to do this, but I don't like the idea that "naysayers" get to force our club to do something that we wouldn't otherwise do. Furthermore, if they are going to gauge our club's "support" by our number of "paid" members, then we are at a disadvantage to other clubs because our members don't get any flying privileges for their money. When someone joins most clubs (Crestline, Sylmar, even the SDHGPA) they get access to a flying site. We can't give that at Torrey because it's controlled by the concession. Now the Torrey Pines Gulls (RC club) seems to have an interesting arrangement. According to the lease, the Torrey Pines Gulls members get a reduced day use fee (reduced from $5 down to $3). If we could provide something like that, then we might be on a more level playing field when charging for membership.