The Hang Gliding Historical Committee is tasked with preserving and celebrating the rich history of hang gliding.

Boy Mechanic, Book I

Postby JoeF » Mon May 06, 2013 7:43 am

Hang gliding was affected by Boy Mechanic, Book I, published in 1913.

Included: "How to construct aerial gliders."
Now, a walk through of the book for hobby hang glider making and life may be done by those with an inclination. What is in the book for people making hang gliders and flying hang gliders? Up to us to unfold. How many grandpa's dabbled therein and affected our later HG Renaissance that was Sputnik-1957-sparked via the media-stated "Rogallo Revolution" that deposited such as Barry Hill Palmer and Jim Hobson as four-boomers into foot launching to flight in 1962?

Beginning: (click image for full ebook)


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