Little known is that Francis Rogallo on two occasions ... separated by years--flew two different Flightsails built by Thomas H. Purcell, Jr.. The first occasion has been little noted and Francis did not disclose the first session in Francis' correspondence with JD, only the second flight session was shared, the one in 1965. But the first Rogallo session of flight in a Flightsail early version was either in end of 1961 or in 1962, scholarship on my desk is still sorting out the date ([ ] ) for the first flight session when three (Francis Rogallo, Victor Horton, and Milton O. Thompson) from NASA flew the early Tom Purcell Flightsail. Anyone with confirmation of the date when those three flew the four-boom kite-glider on that special visit with Tom Purcell? The record of the fact, so far, is in a 1962 article in Sport Aviation of the Experimental Aircraft Association. One confirmation by Tom Purcell of the second flight by Francis Rogallo in 1965 was in Sport Aviation in a 1969 article as Tom was forward a drastically changed Flightsail VII. The precise date in 1965 for the second flight of Francis in a version of the Flightsail is sought; anyone? [ ] Purcell preceded James Hobson and Mike Burns in the use of the public-domain wing for kite glider; JD trickled in later. But Palmer and Purcell are near tie on the 1961, but Palmer with foot-launching and Purcell with kite-glider mode using towing. Hobson was did foot launch with a firm simpler hang glider in 1962 of the four-boomer Rogallo-NASA-Ryan-inspired public-domain glider wing. Hobson would broadcast not only in Sport Aviation, but on national TV in 1962, about his hang glider.
Purcell moved fast to sell plans to the world. We await to know the date of his first ad for plans. ([ ] )
Anyone on the date of Purcell's first ad to sell plans for the Flightsail? ([ ] )