Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:18 am
So I might be running the Risk of being Banned for the Fact that I am creating a New thread and it is not entirely on Subject. Well no I can not hook it in directly to Flying. But I am hoping that some of You might have some ideas regarding One's Glucose Numbers. Ok here are My Thoughts. I use words like thoughts, and beliefs like Pilots use thoughts and Beliefs regarding Flying their HG's. I will say that some Pilots hold on to thoughts and Belief's even though they are not based in fact. Thoughts such as; "I JUST LOVE TO FLY" A Pilot actually said that to Me. But Fails to Fly XC because He; "He does not Fly XC" He Believes that Fly XC it would be dangerous, More Dangerous than say Making redundant passes up and down the same stretch of Coastline. But the reality of what He does while not being ang safer than say Flying an XC joint of say a of of Maybe Fifty Miles would expose Him to the same amount of Air-Time. It does not Matter that the time spent on both Flights is the same, thus just amount of time that said Pilot was exposed to Danger. No what overrides His decision making Process. The end result is He Flies pass after Pass above the same Bit of Coast line. While Said Pilot missed out on a Flight where He could have extended His Horizon.
Does anyone have any knowledge regarding One's Blood Glucose Numbers? What I want to Know is; What is a Normal Healthy Human Bodies off Pesak in the Morning Blood Glucose number, well what is the optimal Number?
OK sorry Bob, I just wanted to ask this BG Question. Please do not Bab Me.
Good By Chris
So I might be running the Risk of being Banned for the Fact that I am creating a New thread and it is not entirely on Subject. Well no I can not hook it in directly to Flying. But I am hoping that some of You might have some ideas regarding One's Glucose Numbers. Ok here are My Thoughts. I use words like thoughts, and beliefs like Pilots use thoughts and Beliefs regarding Flying their HG's. I will say that some Pilots hold on to thoughts and Belief's even though they are not based in fact. Thoughts such as; "I JUST LOVE TO FLY" A Pilot actually said that to Me. But Fails to Fly XC because He; "He does not Fly XC" He Believes that Fly XC it would be dangerous, More Dangerous than say Making redundant passes up and down the same stretch of Coastline. But the reality of what He does while not being ang safer than say Flying an XC joint of say a of of Maybe Fifty Miles would expose Him to the same amount of Air-Time. It does not Matter that the time spent on both Flights is the same, thus just amount of time that said Pilot was exposed to Danger. No what overrides His decision making Process. The end result is He Flies pass after Pass above the same Bit of Coast line. While Said Pilot missed out on a Flight where He could have extended His Horizon.
Does anyone have any knowledge regarding One's Blood Glucose Numbers? What I want to Know is; What is a Normal Healthy Human Bodies off Pesak in the Morning Blood Glucose number, well what is the optimal Number?
OK sorry Bob, I just wanted to ask this BG Question. Please do not Bab Me.
Good By Chris