USHPA's new forum

Forum for SW Texas Hang Gliders Club - Southwest Texas

USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:04 pm

It's difficult to know what's really going on.
Insurance renewal difficulties.....
So, Martin creates this new "learning" forum and creates accounts for BOD, Chapter Pres, and the newly created chapter Safety Coordinaror, complete with a Tim H. video power point.
Most people on the forum at one time: 2.
It seems like the new forum is going over like a lead balloon. :|
If they are gonna to accomplish/satisfy the insurance company's reqs, there needs to be some communicating going on.
Steve Rodriguez has registered but there's not more than a handfull signed up. :shock: :o :eh: :problem:

Maybe the forum is just to satisfy First Flight/Lloyds.
I think the 90 day policy, that we are operating under at thist time, expires June 1. :problem:

They need to let us ALL know ahead of time, what the requirements will be. I figure there's plenty of communication going on but as usual, behind closed doors. :x

Any other Chapter, ushpa that is, officials getting these risk mitigation bla bla bla? :D

US Hawks Chapter 4
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:55 pm

Hi Sam,

Can you post a link to their forum? I'd surely be interested in asking some good questions.    :)

Bob Kuczewski
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:20 pm

Hi Bob,

It's the ushpa e-learning forum, we gotta get all this done by June 1 and so far ~ one regional director has signed up.

Tim Herr says its lawyer- client priviledge. What ever that means.

Strange, we gotta get all this done to keep the insurance, but we can't tell anybody.

You need to contact the Torrey Hawks Chapter Pres. or the newly appointed safety coordinator.

They are probably doing a good job, but at least for some , just what to do is vague.

Others who have that question have posted just that.

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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:52 pm

I'm still not finding it at Can you post the web site address?

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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby Bill Cummings » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:56 pm

Hey Sam,
Hadley Robinson is the Safety Officer for the Rio Grande Soaring Association for our Chapter. He emailed out the USHPA recommendations to us and we see little that needs to be done in our area. We have such little third part involvement here. One thing that we may have to consider is the part about only members allowed in the setup and ramp area. This may be a tough thing to accomplish since we launch from National Forest Land. If we suggest to the Forestry Service that we should post signs describing the hazards of falling off of the concrete ramp will that scare the Forestry Service into barring us from flying?
Why wouldn’t the Forestry Service feel the need to post falling off of the mountain in the first place. (Before we even came on the scene?)

Haven’t people accepted the risk of falling off the mountain when they came onto the forest property?

The lawyer at USHPA may have been cooling the heals of posting accidents in the magazine and trying to keep under wraps any fear of risk getting out into the public eye or to the insurers. Is there a course change now? Now do we have to actually approach and ask the insured if it’s okay to post hazard signs on their property alerting the clueless?

I mean anyone impaired enough to fall off the end of the ramp probably wouldn’t be able to read anyway.

Perhaps the Mingus Mountain Club could help us all out since they have already been through all this. They have signs posted in back of their launch on national forest land.

With the loss of “Pack” the only concern in Texas might be the proximity of third party individuals to a towing operation. How will that apply to airports, county roads and other places?

I’m wondering if we won’t be able to have a non member driver nose wire us off of the ramp at Dry Canyon when the driver is to be the last person at launch? How would this new recommendation not diminish the safety of the pilot on the ramp?

I started this post with a serious effort to address this subject and stay on track but I feel that I’m loosing my direction.

I think we need a new rating category --AWCL-WAA (Assisted Windy Cliff Launch Without An Assistant) [Awarded to master rated pilots only]

All lower rated pilots can only watch ---but from a safe distance -- at least fifty feet back from the rim ---tied to a glider tie down stake in the setup area ----dressed in helmet, flack jacket, knee and elbow pads, steel toed boot, teeth guard in place, ----while on a hands free cell phone while connected to a 911 operator. But only if Flight for Life pilots are belted in and the chopper turbine is at operating temperature.

Do we tell the drivers we will pay their local club dues, USHPA dues, and after they waive their right to sue anyone they get to duck under the caution tape and enter the set up area and then be the safety nose wireman on the ramp?

Where will all this BS end? Oh! And I’m not talking about mine.
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:07 pm

This forum is for USHPA Chapter Safety Officers, USHPA BOD members, USHPA Certified Instructors, and Members

It does say it is for Members too. So why also post the BS about attorney-client :shh: ?

I see that Hadley has not activated his membership
About 95% of the membership profiles say, "Last Active,....Never"

You make several good points. The regulation of spectators at the public airport will put us in the same situation ~, as Forrest Land/Parks.
Our other turf runway is private property, but we have interested onlookers from time to time and some offer to drive the tow vehicle. Some even want to learn.
The land owner says his hunters and their whiskey are more dangerous than HG, so he isn't worried about site insurance. The turf runway has been there for >50yr,
always operated as "use at your own risk".

The #17 new ushpa site restrictions, includes the one about towers near launch.
"The tower can not be within 50ft of launch".................What established sites will this effect. :idea: :?:
50ft from launch and ~ 300ft tall :wtf: guy wires, power lines. :?
I can't see that picture being safe at all.
I mean a tower within 50ft of launch. :wtf:
Sounds to me someone is protecting some launches with obvious risks.

Since you mentioned it.....The tower at Packsaddle was ~200ft from launch. However it was one, just one, of the reasons I never flew there much at all.
There was an accident with one of the newer pilots hitting a wire, several years back.
I say 50ft is crazy.

Thanks for your comments, Bill, and again congratulations on the pers. best alt. gain. :clap: :clap: :clap:

One of my old flying sites had this radar dish. It was obsolete and removed. <50ft high, no wires.

:wave: ,
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:16 am

Thanks for the time on the phone Sam!!!

The new USHPA forum seems to be at:

The topic listed at: "USHPA eLearning Forum » News » News » USHPA Education Forum Now Open" says this:

Forum Administrator / Administrator Newbie on: March 30, 2012, 03:48:56 AM wrote:The USHPA Education Forum is now available to all BOD members and Chapter Safety Officers.

The topic listed at: "USHPA eLearning Forum » News » News » Risk Mitigation Resources Now Available" says this:

Forum Administrator / Administrator Newbie on: on: April 20, 2012, 07:34:03 PM wrote:This Chapter Privileged email is being sent to a select portion of the Committee Chairs and ALL Board Members. Please maintain this as confidential correspondence.

Dear Chapter Safety Coordinators and Chapter Presidents,

As many of you already know, we are implementing new requirements for chapters to address risk management which is a mandatory requirement from the insurance company to renew our policy. Policy renewal negations are still underway and demonstrating national progress in risk management is essential in securing the renewal.

You will shortly receive an email from with a subject of "An account has been created for you at USHPA eLearning", providing you access to a secure website where information and educational materials will be provided to successfully complete your risk assessments and mitigation plans. If you do not receive the email from info@vizigy within the next 2 days, please check your spam filter and call the office and speak with Jeff Mosher.

The information on the secure website will be provided by our counsel as Attorney-Client Privileged Communications. The first material immediately available is an intro video/power point presentation regarding our current status and the proposed action plan. We encourage you to watch this at your next chapter meeting in the next month so all chapter members collectively understand the current state of affairs. Do NOT share your log-in with anyone. Log-in access is limited to the Safety Coordinator and President only. Once we've completed the additional materials, we will be uploading those for your reference.

Items that will be available on the secure website:
An intro video/power point that introduces our current status and action plan (Available Now)
A Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan Template - This is a starting point for your process. If you identify additional risk, feel free to add those.
5 Sample Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans completed for your reference
Approximately 21 short videos (3-5 minutes in length) addressing various topics that will be essential in addressing your Risk Assessments and Mitigation Plans.
Forum to discuss your questions during the assessment and mitigation process with our counsel. Discussion surrounding the risk assessment and mitigation plans must only be conducted on this forum to retain the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Important Deadlines:
June 1st - First set of videos available on secure website
June 1st - Sample Assessments & Plans available on secure website
June 15th - Second set of videos available on secure website
July 15th - Risk Assessments and Mitigation Plans completed by chapters and affidavits confirming completion returned to USHPA

I thank you in advance for your time and assistance in helping complete these crucial steps to secure USHPA's insurance programs.


Martin Palmaz, Executive Director
United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association, Inc.
This is flying. This is freedom.

It's funny that it starts out with this warning: "This Chapter Privileged email is being sent to a select portion of the Committee Chairs and ALL Board Members. Please maintain this as confidential correspondence.", and yet, there it is on the web for anyone who wants to read it.


The letter mentions that "Policy renewal negations" are still under way. "Negations"?      :srofl:

It goes on to state: "The first material immediately available is an intro video/power point presentation regarding our current status and the proposed action plan. We encourage you to watch this at your next chapter meeting in the next month so all chapter members collectively understand the current state of affairs. Do NOT share your log-in with anyone. Log-in access is limited to the Safety Coordinator and President only."

Is this more "super-secret, let's keep the members in the dark" business-as-usual from what used to be OUR association?      :roll:

The fact that USHPA is spending our money building secret little web sites is further demonstration of how out-of-control they've become.

By the way, I've just called USHPA to verify that this is one of their sites. The office person answering the phone wasn't aware of it, but she said she'd get back to me ...
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:01 pm

SamKellner wrote: I figure there's plenty of communication going on but as usual, behind closed doors. :x

And this came in the USHPA News Letter..... Just like I figured. :(

USHPA is assisting five chapters in developing plans for a variety of flying sites.

Looks like some chapters are getting special consideration :wtf:

:wave: .
Southwest Texas Hang Gliders
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:14 pm

In this Issue
USHPA Board Meeting Summary

USHPA News Briefs

Gear Up For Spring

USHPA Sanctioned Events 2012
We Want Content

Facebook Page

Our group with over 2,000 members was archived. We hope you'll join it again or for the first time! Board updates, aviation stories, and photo galleries appearing weekly on our Facebook page!

Click here to 'Like' us!

Social Media

Fly-in Info!

Please send us your ACE fly-in dates for 2012 to put on the website calendar and in this quarterly newsletter.

Submit at our website. Please include a photo that can be displayed small by emailing us:

Gear up for Spring!

Check out our online store!

Soft Shell Flight Jacket

CALENDARS (HG/PG) - 50% off!

SPOT Messenger - don't forget to order your SPOT and sign-up for services using our member discount with GEOS MEDIVAC! SPOT & GEOS MEDIVAC

USHPA Baseball Cap
Zing Wings (are back!)

Best Flying Sites of the Alps
Stolen Moments #2

New T-shirt, coming soon!

11 USHPA Sanctioned Events in 2012! Calendar


4th Annual Rob Kells Memorial Competition - HG

April 14-20, 2012


Flytec Race & Rally - HG

April 22-28, 2012


East Coast HG Championship - HG June 3-8, 2012


Rat Race PG Competition - PG

June 17-26, 2012

Midwest HG Comp 2012 - HG


Chelan XC Open 2012 - PG

July 8-14, 2012

King Mountain Hang Gliding Championship - HG

July 9-14, 2012


Texas Shoot-Out & Single-Surface R2G US Nationals - HG

July 15-20, 2012


Big Spring US Nationals - HG

July 22-28, 2012


PWC Sun Valley Idaho - PG
Aug 18-25, 2012


Sun Valley Open Distance US Nationals - PG

Aug 27-Sept 1, 2012


Santa Cruz Flats Race R2G US Nationals - HG

Sept 16-27, 2012

We Want Content
USHPA needs fresh content
(click here for examples):

- Videos (under 5 mins. -
linked from YouTube)

- Beginner Stories
(150-400 words)

- Testimonials

- Questions - for Experts

We need Facebook links , member website articles, website videos or photos, magazine articles, our new YouTube account populated. To really do a better job of understanding what our community is up to we need to hear it from you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Submit Content...

USHPA Board Meeting Summary
by Rich Hass, USHPA President

USHPA is developing a comprehensive risk assessment and mitigation plan in response to a request to do so by the insurance underwriters. Several of the initiatives considered and approved at the Spring Meeting address the risk management plan. USHPA's ability to continue offering third-party liability and site insurance benefits to its members is dependent on reducing future accidents and claims.

Securing long-term insurance benefits is contingent on our ability to manage the risks. Given the importance of retaining the insurance program, much of the board's attention was focused on this subject.

Brian Nelson, a risk management consultant, was contracted to support USHPA with developing a risk management program and institute measures to assist in securing renewal of our insurance policy. Brian and Tim (USHPA legal counsel) have been working with a handful of Safety Coordinators to supply the rest of the Association with Risk Assessment packages, training materials, and templates in order to satisfy requirements from the insurance provider. On April 16th, Martin, Rich, Tim, First Flight Insurance and the Lloyds of London broker met together to discuss our current status. USHPA must still demonstrate our commitment and progress towards the risk management objectives but we are confident that chapters will be able to develop risk management plans which ultimately will be the crucial element in finalizing the renewal.

The next step is to finish the educational materials including videos and work with the new Safety Coordinators to finalize Risk Assessments and Mitigation plans at sites across the country by July 15th. We'll keep you updated on our website through the Members Only section.

Here's a rundown as to what was accomplished at the Spring Board Meeting:


With the support of the board, there are new changes in requirements at sites. Chapters will need to appoint Safety Coordinators (completed - thank you!), finalize Risk Management plans by July 15th at sites, and ensure their officers are USHPA members.


Changed name of "Special Commendation" to "Recognition for Special Contributions" and cleaned up some of the definitions for current best-practices and extended the scope of the Commendation Award to match web and SOP language.

Chapter Support

Officers of USHPA-affiliated chapters are now required to be USHPA members. Chapters are asked to appoint a chapter Safety Coordinator to assist chapters in developing site risk assessments and mitigation plans.

Chapters are expected to develop site-specific risk assessment and mitigation plans for USHPA-insured sites and uninsured sites under the control or management of the chapter.

USHPA is developing templates and guidelines for chapters to use in preparing these plans on an expedited basis. Keeping these plans current over time and following the mitigation practices suggested in the plans will be the responsibility of the chapters. Initially, USHPA is assisting five chapters in developing plans for a variety of flying sites. These plans will be made available for other chapters for consideration when creating their own plans.

The timeline for creating these plans is short. Chapters were asked to provide USHPA with names of the Safety Coordinators - THANK YOU! Sample templates will be distributed to chapters on or about June 1st. By July 15th, chapters are expected to adopt these plans and be involved in completing the mitigation recommendations. USHPA recognizes this schedule is aggressive and further recognizes chapters are often required to work with landowners in developing signage and other improvements.


The board approved a sanctioning application for the 2012 Paragliding World Cup event in Sun Valley Idaho. The board acknowledged cancellation of the 2012 Midwest HG Competition.

Only certified paraglider wings will be allowed to compete in 2012 PG race-to-goal sanctioned events. Open Distance sanctioned events may include certified and uncertified wings.

Photo by Nick Greece
Accuracy Spot Landing Competitions
are catching on in Europe.
USHPA incorporated sanctioning for these events
into the competition structure. A copy of the rulebook for sanctioning these events can be found at

USHPA now requires sanctioned and ACE event organizers to appoint safety coordinators to help ensure that consideration is given to the safety of pilots, spectators, and volunteers (drivers, tug pilots, participating competitors, launch supporters, and crowd controllers).

Participants and volunteers are expected to be USHPA members (permanent or 30-day). Event organizers are expected to participate in the risk assessment and mitigation process to minimize potential accidents.

The Comp Committee and board recognized Jamie Shelden, a USHPA director-at-large, for her appointment as Secretary of CIVL, the subcommittee of FAI responsible for administering hang gliding and paragliding records and competitions.


Future elections for regional directors will be done online. Paper ballots will be available on request for members unable to vote through the online voting process.

National Coordinating

The National Coordinating Committee focuses on the regulatory environment in which we fly. The committee interfaces with the FAA on behalf of USHPA and is responsible for monitoring regulatory changes such as those being reviewed for unmanned aerial vehicle ('UAV') rulemaking that is now underway. USHPA is following and is particularly interested in proposals to require transponders in all aircraft-including hang gliders and paragliders.

Membership & Development

The M&D Committee is working with the USHPA staff on a number of website-related projects designed to increase traffic to the USHPA website and help generate leads for USHPA instructors. The committee is undertaking a project to support instructors by developing materials to assist instructors in successfully growing their businesses.

USHPA is supporting a number of partnerships to encourage film and other events such as 'flight nights'. The M&D Committee is also responsible for overseeing USHPA PR initiatives and social media campaigns.

Safety & Training

The board approved changes to the recent inclusion of speed flying within the Paragliding Division of USHPA, where speed flying will be recognized as a special skill. The S&T committee is finalizing SOP changes to address special requirements in the appointment of speed flying instructors and administrators within the Paragliding Division.

A subcommittee is currently working to develop a risk management plan for instructors. It will be implemented in four phases: Risk Management Training, Current System Evaluation, Rule Making, and Implementation of system revisions.

The H-2/P-2 Novice ground school hour requirement has been eliminated from HG and PG ICP Manuals/SOP 12-02 and requires coverage of specific content rather than a time requirement.

P-2 flight requirement changed to: "25 flights with a required ability to demonstrate successful T-landing approach upon certification" - omits clearance levels above 299 ft.


The board adopted recommendations from the Tandem Committee to prohibit the use of tandem hang gliders or paragliders as a platform for skydiving when the flight is qualified for training purposes only (as defined by the FAA exemption) or when the flight occurs at a USHPA-insured site. Additional limitations have been adopted for tandem training flights to limit the type and extent of aerobatic maneuvers performed. Tandem instructors are expected to operate within the glider manufacturer operating recommendations.

Tandem pilots using surface towing or aero-towing must verify that tow operators and aero-tow pilots and equipment meet USHPA and FAA requirements.

The revised tandem operating limitations are outlined in the Tandem SOP, which can be found at

USHPA News Briefs
Squash Falconer - Experience Life Magazine

Experience Life Magazine has published a nice bio on Squash Falconer, who recently climbed Mt. Everest and she's also a well known paraglider pilot and adventurer. Thanks to Nick Greece for supporting this story. Watch or read two parts of her story on their website: ... -falconer/ ... ll-seeker/

iPad Paragliding Safety App

Coming soon!

Slated for this October, look for the paragliding safety iPad App as a companion to the current Hang Gliding version.

iPad Magazine Viewer

in Beta

The USHPA magazine is now available using the ISSUU viewer on Apple's iPad. See our page:

Go to our website and view the archives on an iPad:

New Website Advertising Rates

USHPA is about to release a new update to the website advertising rates. Don't forget to get your magazine (2 month lead time) & website ads (1 week lead time) in for the upcoming flying season as early as possible. Contact the lovely Terry at for details and check out our website.

USHPA Executive Director & President Travels

Martin Palmaz (ED) & Paul Voight (R12, Tandem Chair) flying tandem at Wills Wing Demo Days at Wallaby Ranch, FL
Recently, USHPA Executive Director (Martin Palmaz) went to the Wills Wing Demo Days at Wallaby Ranch in Davenport, FL. He enjoyed his experience very much and especially the viewing of two films: David Aldrich's 'Dreaming Awake' Trailer and Seth Warren and Sara Close's 'Live the Dream' film which includes Wallaby Ranch. USHPA would like to convey special thanks to Wallaby and Wills Wing for their incredible hospitality during this annual event.

From there, Martin met President Rich Hass in California for a tour of USHPA chapters and flying sites including: Sylmar, Andy Jackson Air Park & Big Sur as well as Wills Wing. Martin relayed, "discussing current insurance information and learning more about pilot and chapter considerations was a great way to spend this research tour. Feedback from members has encouraged us to provide additional opportunities to interact directly with chapters and we hope to visit more locations in the near future."

Fall & Spring Meetings

The Fall 2012 Board Meeting will be held October 18-20 (Thurs-Sat) in Newburgh, NY. This will be the Annual Meeting of Members - all members are encouraged to come to participate and see the process undertaken by the Board and Staff that create policy and implementation for the membership. More information will be made available in the upcoming months to support your lodging and travel needs to this meeting. Please come, we'd love to see you there.

The Spring 2013 Board Meeting will be held in Colorado Springs, CO. The 2012 Awards Ceremony will follow the meeting. Please stay tuned for more details as we near the event date.

About This E-Newsletter

This is the official E-Newsletter of the USHPA. The intention is to inform the general membership about events, headquarters updates, & offers that enrich the membership experience with USHPA. Please send us feedback about this quarterly newsletter. Your comments are very much appreciated.

USHPA | PO BOX 1330 | COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80901 | PH: (800) 616-6888 | (719) 632-8300

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Southwest Texas Hang Gliders
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Chapter #4
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Re: USHPA's new forum

Postby SamKellner » Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:21 pm

Chapter Support

Officers of USHPA-affiliated chapters are now required to be USHPA members.

So now all the helpful wives of HG pilots that act as Chapter secretary or treasurer or reporter, or historian,.......................
have to pay a full membership just to help out the chapter :crazy: :problem: :x
Southwest Texas Hang Gliders
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