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DIO driver-induced oscillation. When kiting, the moving driving ground resistive set may have motions, accelerations, changes of motion texture, etc. that might induce oscillations in the tether set and the wing set of a a kite system.
Extended: Locally each creative individual often is making personal breakthroughs that are inventive for their lives; hopefully they celebrate such creative living with a joy and shared joy. That such inventive flow may not reach absolute mechanical global invention is a whole different game of cards.
"Was THAT a personal-local invention step by you?"
"Thank you for sharing the story and description of your ideas, insights, personal breakthroughs, etc. "
Sometimes a person wants to know if they are world-first on a mechanical claim; to get close to an answer on such, one would put the description out into the world in order to "test the waters" and see what others say about the matter. Searching in the literature, listening to the feedback, etc. can be done increasingly at less cost. A challenge though is the following: Not finding priors does not prove that a prior won't be discovered; it just means that the search to some point in time as yet to uncover a prior globally. And more, "first" for oneself is with HUGE impact on oneself! And more: Even getting an approved reviewed patent does not mean that a prior won't be found. The game of being absolute-global first on a mechanical concept or process or function is very challenging; and researchers trying to sort such matter out is often a very costly matter.
One of the tactics some will do--even without the patent play--is to headline, "I was first on this!" and play the King-of-the-Mountain game; will anyone come around to push the king off the mountaintop? The claiming person seems to sit on top of the mountain until someone finds a prior example that counters the claim to the throne. The claimant need spend only a penny now on the Internet to make a claim; then others that might care about the subject may end up spending loads of cash and time to prove a countering claim; the imbalance of costs can be considerable. Scholarly professional researchers well know about the cost of doing careful research.
It may be very understandable to invest one's 24 hours on nil care bout any "first" game; a preference might be to spend all of one's life on local personal creativity and perhaps the engendering in the local personal creativity of the next generation. Leave the matter of "first" to professional historians, while living personal firsts and helping others have personal firsts.
I personally have barefoot water skied. That is, my body was the wing of a kite system where the resistive-driving anchor was a powered-fueled boat guided by a pilot of that power. The tether set consisted of one main tether (tow line) that split closely to two lines to a handle set normal to the line of the main line. Then the tether set continued into being the tissues and tendons of my arm. The my body was the wing set of the kite system. That is, my chest and head and legs were aerodynamically deflecting the air with non-zero L/D; and my feet were hybrid paravane wings with a dominant play with the fluid water with a net L/D large enough for the wing, me, to "fly" near water surface with occasional deflects off to the side of the primary towing direction. I was a kite-system's wing. And upon unleashing from the powered tow, my body glided for some while in the air and water until the wing became a non-wing, just all wet. This was done in the Newport City waters during the time I being approached by UCLA athletic promoters; they gave me some time on the waters near where ten years later I would be involved in the Otto Meet just in sight of those waters; again being part of gliding kite systems. Every inch of one's personal local life is filled with "firsts" ... the present "Now" has never occurred before and so is filled with local-personal-important firsts. And I believe that such firsts are paramount... such make up the bulk of Universe, it seems; that is, what is is unique and ever locally first. The realm of structural or formal mechanical firsts is a playground for a neat game in its own right, optionally played or not.

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