On my last trip through Texas I followed Interstate 10 on my way to visit my nieces family in Florida. From Interstate 10 I could see several expansive wind farms. (Power generating windmills.) Some study must have done at these locations before constructing these towers as to wind conditions.
I know at the mining company where I used to work in Minnesota dust abatement at certain times of the year required a greater effort by the company to stay within EPA and MSHA standards.
The company had their own weather station and recorded wind speed and direction among many other things. At the end of the year they printed out what they called a “Wind Rose.” It was a circular graph that would show average direction of the wind and also the average speed of the wind all throughout the year. Coincidently the lines on the graph had the appearance of a Rose if you held it at arms length and squinted both eyes.
I was able to look at several years of wind Roses which helped me keep track of where I should locate myself for my best option for towing and soaring mine dumps or open pits. Some of the open mine pits (that were closed --if that makes sense--) were a mile across from rim to rim. The pits gave up much airtime to enter in our log books.
So back to the Wind Farms in Texas. These locations must have roads to them and some appear to be located on ridges. I wish I had the time on these trips to go check them out.
It seemed as though my van wanted to turn off to go check them out and I was afraid that I would break the steering column off just to keep it on Interstate 10.
Are there any wind farms near you that you have checked out?