This too is a bunch of crap!

They want a bid? And to verify if there is interest to hold comps in the USA

My title here is Davis Straub tells the truth AGAIN !
!Davis Straub shared a link.
Yesterday at 9:08 AM
What's the future?
Looking ahead to 2020
You might have noted this article https://ozreport.com/22.145#1 which was a call from CIVL to prospective meet organizers about international category 1 competitions in 2020 and 2021. Which means test event next year and in 2020. And CIVL wants to see the bids for those 2020 events within a little over five weeks. For the 2021 events by the end of the year. And preparing a bid is no simple matter.
Doesn't give one much time to plan and think about what pilots might want and that's the first thing a prospective meet organizer needs to look at. Now holding a Category 1 competition in European is a no brainer. The place is stuffed with multiple countries and multiple pilots and they can all get together for a competition. Last week we had the Class 1 European and Class 5 World Championships and next week it is the pre-Worlds. You could easily trip and fall down hurting yourself trying to get around these competitions. This doesn't include the ongoing European Paragliding Championships right now.
But, try to put together a World Championship in the US or other North or South American country and things are a lot tougher. We last held a class 1 Worlds in the US in 2007 in Big Spring, Texas. It was very successful as we have great flying conditions there.
We are right now in the process of creating bids to CIVL for a number of category 1 competitions:
2nd FAI Sport Class, and 14th FAI Women's, and 8th FAI Class 5 World Hang Gliding Championships
Sunday, April 19th, 2020 to Friday May 1st, 2020
Wilotree Park, 6548 Groveland Airport Road Groveland, Florida, USA
1st Class 1, Sport Class, Women's, Class 5 and Class 2 Pan-American Hang Gliding Championships
Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 to Friday, August 14th, 2020
Big Spring McMahon-Wrinkle Airport, 3200 Rickabaugh Drive, W. Big Spring, Texas
These are combined events.
As you can see we are being very ambitious. In addition, we would have to put on test events:
There are two possible test events in 2019 for the first competition. The first is the 2019 Green Swamp Sport Klassic. Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 through Saturday, March 30th, 2019 and the second: 2019 Quest Air Nationals, Saturday April 13th through Sunday, April 27th, 2019. Next year
For the Pan-American: 2019 Big Spring Nationals, Saturday , August 3rd through Saturday, August, 10th, 2019.
As you can see from the numbering scheme this would be the first time ever that anyone has run a Pan-American Hang Gliding Competition. There have been three Pan-American Paragliding competitions.
But some Europeans are very skeptical about whether anyone (they mean other Europeans) would be willing to go to any of these competitions (travel expenses and all).
So we have to ask, are you interested in any of these competitions? We have to tell the CIVL Bureau in advance that there is in fact interest in these competitions, before they will consider letting us put them on. So, you need to send Davis an email to davis and he's at davisstraub.com and tell him that you are interested in coming to one or more of these competitions. Also send your email to Stef-CIVL<stefmalbos@orange.fr>.
We realize that this is almost an impossible ask on our part. Who knows what they want to do in two years? But please if you have any desire to come to these competitions please email to davis. Also please spread the word around. Without your interest they are not going to happen.
We'll report more on CIVL and the upcoming competitions again, soon.