I have the Cox Field landing zone in Alamogordo reserved for us this coming weekend, Friday October 5th through Sunday, October 7th. Come on down and fly! The forecast is for southwest winds all weekend, straight in to the Dry Canyon launch. (And La Luz, too, for that matter.) Friday and Saturday are forecast to be light in the morning and moderate in the late afternoon. (This sometimes leads to glassoff conditions in the evening.) On Sunday the winds are supposed to be pretty strong, all day. On Monday, there's a possibility of precipitation, depending on which model is presenting it. In any case, I plan to be in the landing zone on Friday morning, ready to assist any and all who want to fly. No fees, no contests, just come on over and have a good time. I'll try to arrange a barbecue for Saturday evening, at least - and Sunday, if the winds allow it. Hope to see you this weekend!
-Robin Hastings
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