On the oz report I clicked on a link that took me to hg.org.
Re: The USHPA BOD reform vote
Mon, Jan 14 2019, 9:13:46 am
http://forum.hanggliding.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&p=406214#p406214 Logan was advancing a good point about asking for evidence of a law that would allow a concessionaire or club to exclude non-USHPA pilots from public lands.
None was offered up that fit the bill but only private land trespassing which was a different subject.
When Logan couldn’t be deflected they soon became frustrated that he also wouldn’t drink the Cool Aid they were serving.
Surprisingly and long before the discussion progressed into out right ad hominem attacks, Jack A., the moderator, decided to lock up the topic thread. He also noted that around 70% of those posting were not even USHPA members.
Remember this. Non-USHPA pilots discussing hang glidng and paragliding.
(And also remember that Jack A., censored some important dialogue.)
At the oz report on the BOD reform proposal:
https://ozreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57809&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0Other admittedly non-USHPA members were advocating a no vote concerning HG/PG.
It’s interesting that non-USHPA pilots are worried about the direction the national organization is going.
Ben Reese made a surprising revelation:
Ben Reese
Make no mistake about this:
1. Voting yes on this issue will result in vast numbers of members leaving USHPA.
2. Some of these members will sue to stop this madness from destroying the principles of USHGA!! As Founded.
3. Some will start a new association, maybe reclaim USHGA or start a new one like HGGA.
4. US Hawks will by default gain more traction as will activists like Logan R.
They don't seem so bad right now. I hate to say that!
They are cheering you vote yes..
No Ben. So far the Hawks individually are advocating a no vote.
If pilots do go looking outside of USHPA the US Hawks want the welcome mat to look good.
I suggest we keep the mud off of the mat.
If someone like Tiki M. should come to our door looking I recommend that our best welcome mat doesn’t look like the following:
Tiki herself actually spoke up during my expulsion, and Mark Forbes backed her down. She spoke up, but didn't have the fortitude to stick to her position. So Tiki, why should USHPA members be paying for so many board members when none of you has enough backbone to stand up to Forbes and Herr anyway?