Yes Joe,
I agree with Cloudhopper.
Very misled by USHPA and the brain washing of duel Org.
Very hard on those who opposed it.
I have changed my focus to seperate from the para baggers..
Pilots who want to fly both can join seperate Orgs, Clubs or Associations.
These are not equal sports. They are different focus to the informed.
Para baggers could not succeed without Hang Gliders, we let them invade
us and inslave our purpose. We errored being welcomers to our captors..
They gained ligitamacy by our hard work, blood ,sweat and tears.
We helped to to make them equals but their crafts are flawed and dangerous.
They hold us back with para colaspe and ring the life out of our sport.
They foster tradegy and untold victims driving many away from foot launched flying..
Sorry Joe Faust, but I honor your attempts to reach us now and repeat your
own words in my message above. These are your warnings come to be true.
Always true your words above but blinded we were and stubborn like children…
A pity we did not listen to our elders! We called them tired and obsolete…
Great apologies to you Joe Faust, Please forgive us…
This time we rise with you with one purpose.. ... G_7879.jpgGet our name back USHGA or
A new one HGGA, Hang Gliding Global Access?
HGAUSA, Hang Gliding Association USA?
Many possibilities..
Ben Reese