Memorial Day Weekend Fun Fly - We're going to do it!

Forum for SW Texas Hang Gliders Club - Southwest Texas

Memorial Day Weekend Fun Fly - We're going to do it!

Postby RobinHastings » Tue May 05, 2020 10:40 am

The Memorial Day Weekend Fun Fly in Alamogordo, NM is a go, as per the decision of the RGSA membership at our meeting on May 2nd. It will last from May 22 to May 25, 2020, depending on the weather (which, right now, is pretty nice - but I'll start making forecasts around May 18th). It'll be pretty low key this year, due to the current plague, but on the plus side, we have scheduled a roadwork day on May 9th. So we'll hope to have the journey up to Dry Canyon launch a little less bouncy. We probably can't camp out in the Cox Field LZ, as I expect some social-distancing rules to be ongoing, and we'll have to see what the barbecue and restaurant options are around then, too. (Picnics, anyone? Hey, who's bringing the potato salad?) But I am looking forward to some fine flying and visiting then. Bring your masks if you have one, just in case, and let's adapt to whatever the circumstances are. The cool pines of Cloudcroft, 20 minutes from Alamogordo, will be open and available, and so will the big desert air at our launches. Wyatt Lines will be the Meet Head, and I'll be up on top as Launch Director. See you all then, I hope!
-Robin Hastings
575-541-5744 home
575-386-8212 cell
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