Check This out; Why could a Pilot not be able to carry Her or his Glider after they had Landed, they could after They had put their Glider in the Bag. Why could They not attach a Setup to One end of the Glider, I don't know? Possibly using Velcro Straps. That had a wheel. Then Simply pick up the other end of the Glider, so that One could make their way towards the nearest road?
Dockweiler? Why doesn't anyone if you just want to knock off many Flights in a Day. I wonder Why no one does not just Turn there Glider towards where one had launched from. then do a Down-Wind landing? Is that the short hops that You Guys do do not give You any lift? I imagine that a Pilot would only need to be just higher than where You Launch from in order to do a 360 and return to where You started from.